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Xerath Build Guide. INTRO xD hey guys this is my first guide so far so if its good leave constructive feedback in the comments. and also you probably shouldnt read or vote on this for about a week after its made because its really liniear right now. still editing this so its not done so if its missing bits im still doing it Pros/Cons I almost **** myself when I realised that I didn't have this here extremely long range on abilities when in locust of power amazing burst skills have mostly AoE amazing ult speed boost after locus so he can run away quickly possible to steal baron (with skills) kind of low ap ratios for 1v1 scenarios high midgame damage.

Squishy untill you have your rylais and void staff built up. falls off to carrys lategame easy to target untill you learn when to locust up quickly not very reliable escape mechanism hard to master - give more rune options - explain item choices - add videos - lots of other stuff ( recommended) Your text to link here... Summoner spells :) other alternitives. Heal. Cassiopeia Guide. Morgana Guide. Introduction Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read through my ramblings. If you ever wanted to play a tanky farmer/AP soft carry/cc machine, stop right now. Drop whatever you were doing and behold your beautiful bride! Morgana AKA the Morg is one of the strongest yet most overlooked casters currently available in LoL. She excels as an AP Soft Carry while remaining an excellent Support . In a pinch, she can be retooled to an anti-mage Off-Tank .

If you're paticularly low elo, she also makes a lulzy (if slow) Jungler , capable of landing fairly strong ganks as early as level 2. Building the Core All games with Morgana start the same. Kassadin Guide. Shaco Guide. Quick GuideImportant Notice At the current time all numbers aren't working in this guide, I suggest looking for a different guide at the moment.

Links and images with numbers in the URL aren't working so unless you want to read a block of text without numbers in either go somewhere else. :)Seems I got rid of the whole quick section guide gonna have to rewrite it... Will add more as I remember what I did lol.SummonersMasteries16/3/11Runesx1x1x1x9x9x2x7/x7Starting items+x5Core items / / Offensive items[item_icon=Madred's Bloodrazor][item_icon=Stark's Fervor]Defensive itemsOther items[item_icon=Oracle's Elixir][item_icon=Elixir of Agility]Skill OrderorIntroduction Hi, I'm RHadox, obviously. Shaco is a squishy, jungling assassin and one of the hardest champions to master in the League. Play him like a ninja and use your cunning to outsmart the enemies! He is renowned for his early ganks that can the snowball the game to victory just from the 2nd minute of the game. Cho has lots of CC. Ezreal Guide.