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Php - Need help understanding Doctrine many to many self referencing code. Symfony 2.0 - FOSuserbundle Symfony2 accessing user data on any page. Embed Vid. Symfony 2 How do I embed collection form using some criterias. Php - Symfony2 $user->setPassword() updates password as plain text [DataFixtures + FOSUserBundle] Setting up a Symfony2 Project with FOSUserBundle, SonataUserBundle and SonataAdminBundle | Dodge This! Logic Exception: Symfony2 SecurityBundle and FOSUserBundle integration: How does it work? Overview A couple of days ago, I realized I needed to add some new functionality to the login process.

Specifically, I needed to track all previous login attempts. Not knowing anything about the new Symfony2 SecurityBundle, I had to go through the underlying code to understand what was going on. In the process, I think got a basic idea about how the new SecurityBundle interacts with FOSUserBundle. Configuration I have a basic security configuration as illustrated below. app/config/security.yml security: encoders: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User: plaintext role_hierarchy: ROLE_ADMIN: ROLE_USER ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN: ROLE_ADMIN providers: fos_userbundle: id: fos_user.user_manager firewalls: main: pattern: .* form_login: provider: fos_userbundle check_path: /user/login_check login_path: /user/login logout: path: /user/logout anonymous: true dev: pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/ security: false login: pattern: ^/user/login$ security: false app/config/routing.yml <?

<? <? Symfony2 Blog Application Tutorial Part V: Intro to Security | Dustin Dobervich's Programming Blog. Since a post on security was requested, I am going to show you how to secure a route prefix in your application. The symfony2 security component is very powerful and complex. This implementation will be simple, but you should be able to easily build on it. For securing a production application I would strongly recommend using the FOSUserBundle which can be found here . This bundle is written by some of the core developers of symfony2 and will most likely become the “sfGuardPlugin” for symfony2. In this part we are going to require anyone who tries to access a route that begins with “/admin/” to login using a form. New Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\SecurityBundle() Now that we have registered the bundle we can start having fun.

Now we are ready configure our application security. Lets go over each section in our security configuration. Next is the section. Authorization is managed by the Firewall system in symfony2. Lastly, we have the entry. The entity is quite simple. 7. Working with Objects. In this chapter we will help you understand the EntityManager and the UnitOfWork. A Unit of Work is similar to an object-level transaction. A new Unit of Work is implicitly started when an EntityManager is initially created or after EntityManager#flush() has been invoked.

A Unit of Work is committed (and a new one started) by invoking EntityManager#flush(). A Unit of Work can be manually closed by calling EntityManager#close(). Any changes to objects within this Unit of Work that have not yet been persisted are lost. Note It is very important to understand that only EntityManager#flush() ever causes write operations against the database to be executed. Not calling EntityManager#flush() will lead to all changes during that request being lost. 7.1. Entities are objects with identity. Take the following example, where you find an article with the headline “Hello World” with the ID 1234: <? In this case the Article is accessed from the entity manager twice, but modified in between. <? 7.2. <? <? <? Creating a blog in Symfony2 — symblog - A Symfony2 Tutorial. Class Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager | Object Relational Mapper. The EntityManager is the central access point to ORM functionality. implements Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager protected # __construct ( Doctrine\DBAL\Connection , Doctrine\ORM\Configuration , Doctrine\Common\EventManager ) Creates a new EntityManager that operates on the given database connection and uses the given Configuration and EventManager implementations.

Parameters public Doctrine\DBAL\Connection # getConnection ( ) Gets the database connection object used by the EntityManager. Returns Doctrine\DBAL\Connection public Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr # getExpressionBuilder ( ) Gets an ExpressionBuilder used for object-oriented construction of query expressions. Example: $qb = $em ->createQueryBuilder(); $expr = $em ->getExpressionBuilder(); $qb ->select( 'u' )->from( 'User' , 'u' ) ->where( $expr ->orX( $expr ->eq( '' , 1 ), $expr ->eq( '' , 2 ))); public # transactional ( Closure ) Executes a function in a transaction. Closure The function to execute transactionally. string The DQL string.

Jobeet Tutorial with Symfony2 | ENS. Symfony - Symfony2 DBAL & ORM Setup Help. How to Set Up Virtual Hosts Using WAMP | Web Design and Development by Kristen Grote. This is Part 1 of my 2-part series, Better Living Through PHP. At a certain point in your web development career, you're going to hit a wall where static .html pages just don't cut it anymore. You'll have finished a 20-page site only for the client to decide they simply must have a Twitter button in the header. What's a poor developer to do? Find/Replace your way to the madhouse, that's what. By configuring virtual hosts on your WAMP server, you're able to run as many separate sites as you want, from any location you want. In order to run PHP on your local Windows computer, you need to install a server stack - either WAMP or XAMPP.

Mac users: Most of what you need to run basic server-side scripts is already installed on your Mac. Now, you could just do a basic install of WAMP and be on your way, but being restricted to just one directory in an obscure location on your computer is awfully limiting, especially if you're working on multiple projects at a time. Step 1 Step 2 Windows 7: Vista: