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Key Competences Net. Edudemic | Education Technology, Apps, Product Reviews, and Social Media. iTEC. EMINENT 2012. – Experts Meeting in Education Networking is an annual event organised by European Schoolnet. EMINENT 2012 took place in Genoa on 14 and 15 November 2012 within the ABCD Education Fair hosted by the Fiera di Genova - Genoa Fair & Exhibition Centre. The ABCD Education Fair is Italy’s leading event devoted to schools and education. The Show offers a 360° view of the education sector, featuring exhibition areas, workshops, and conferences. This year ABCD featured over 130 exhibitors and an estimated 42,000 visitors, made up of students, teachers, parents, ministers and other active players in the education field. A key part of European Schoolnet’s mission is to work with its 30 supporting Ministries of Education in order to assist them with developing and taking forward reform processes in compulsory and upper secondary education.

(flickr). {*style:<b>Download the presentations (pdf): </b>*} Giovanni Biondi, - Tim Pearson, Patricia Wastiau, ; Roger Blamire, - Per Thorbøll, - Gavin Dykes </i>*} User Generated Education. The Flip: End of a Love Affair. A little over a year ago I wrote a postabout the flipped classroom, why I loved it, and how I used it. I have to admit, the flip wasn’t the same economic and political entity then that it is now.

And in some ways, I think that matters. Here’s the thing. When I recently re-read the post, I didn’t disagree with anything I’d said. Yet my brief love affair with the flip has ended. When I wrote that post, I imagined the flip as a stepping stone to a fully realized inquiry/PBL classroom. What is the flip? The flipped classroom essentially reverses traditional teaching. When I first encountered the flip, it seemed like a viable way to help deal with the large and sometimes burdensome amount of content included in my senior Biology & Chemistry curricula.

My flipped experiments I first encountered the flip in a blog post. My students loved the idea of trying something that very few other students were doing. We began to shift What was my role? The flip faded away The flip is gone for good No.