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Home - Make-A-Wish. Wish Stories : Inspired Creations : Scrapbooks. Wish Stories : Animals, Toys & Shopping : Toys. Wish Stories : Celebrity Wish Gallery. The 8 Most Badass Make-A-Wish Foundation Wishes. #4. Erik Flips Off Animal Rights Organizations In 1996, 17-year-old Erik, suffering from a brain tumor, wanted to kill a bear. GettyThis. Now, before you fly to the comment section to complain, you should know that the bear was a Kodiak brown bear that was in season in Alaska at the time.

Make-A-Wish prepared all the proper paperwork and permits to make the hunt go through. It was during this bureaucratic period that numerous animal rights groups leaped into action, trying to stop the trip. Heidi Prescott, director of the Fund for Animals -- and someone who frequently misses the point -- offered Erik a camera so that he could take a picture of a bear instead of killing it. Getty"I got all the Brosnan I could handle in the GoldenEye game.

" As the big trip grew nearer, activist groups began to place more and more pressure on Make-A-Wish to stop the hunt. Ultimately, the attempts to stop the trip failed. Getty"You only get one bullet, son. . #3. Bay Area Make-a-Wish Foundation #2. . #1.