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Kuretake Handmade Mini Envelope Templates. Small but perfectly formed. Print Candee. I Still Love You » Art, Sewing, Design, Bookbinding, Photography, Crafts. Free "Let's Picnic!" Invitations. I'd firstly like to apologise to fellow Aussies for my obvious neglect of their 'seasonal' interests in recent times.

Free "Let's Picnic!" Invitations

It is probably clear, upon viewing my last couple of projects, that I am a touch pre-occupied indulging in fantasies of the summertime. Please forgive me, I find that this helps me get through the cold winter months! So, for those currently blessed with beautiful weather and thinking of enjoying a lovely picnic or two, I'm hoping that these little invites I've designed will come in handy! The PDF contains 2 pages which includes the tag invitation and gingham pocket design. It is 6mb in size so please be patient! For the tag- print out onto thick white card stock. For the gingham pocket I've printed onto thick glossy photo paper. I've used two round hole punches for this project. Fill in the blanks on the front and then write a more detailed and personal message on the back!

Paper City Paris! Crafts. Cake. {events + design}: FREE printables. Today I bring you some printable Valentine's day goodness.

Cake. {events + design}: FREE printables

Hooray! I was inspired by airheads red balloon logo and decided to try making a red balloon cookie topper out of their candy. And guess what? Cutting airheads with scissors is super easy and fun! Pair that with a little valentine wordplay, some pink hearts and a simple sugar cookie recipe... and we've got ourselves one uplifting DiY.

Full disclosure: airheads is hosting a craft contest and the winner gets a ticket to Alt NYC. Besotted Brand Blog: freebies. Origami Spirit of Leyla Torres. Free Exclusive HowDoesShe Printables. {paper boat place cards} Summer Pool Party + Free Printables. Summer might be coming to a close but we are in for a TREAT today!

Summer Pool Party + Free Printables

The talented Anneliese of Aesthetic Nest is sharing a spectacular summer pool party with FREE PRINTABLES! Yipee! So host one last SUMMER POOL PARTY BASH before the afternoons are full of homework and after-school activities. And now you can entertain in STYLE without breaking the bank with these free printables. The colors are perfectly fabulous with turquoise, red, and blue (and pops of yellow too!).

Wrap it up {Tags Cards & Stickers. Downloads. Under the Sycamore. When I started SnapShops nearly six years ago, I had no idea I would eventually get to know some incredible photographers who also teach various photography courses.

Under the Sycamore

Both of my SnapShop workshops (the phone and DSLR versions) are intro courses. I wrote both with the beginner in mind. Over the years, students have asked me about offering more advanced courses, but that just has not been on the horizon for me. As a result, it is important to me to find other workshops I can recommend to my students. Karen Russell‘s photography workshop (and lessons) are among my favorites to recommend students. So, for those that have a basic understanding of shooting in Manual, but want a better understanding of all that it takes to make a super sharp – in focus- shot, I highly recommend this course (139 page downloadable PDF). “Making the Shot Three: An In-Depth Discussion on Focus is an advanced photography course devoted solely to the topic of focus. Free Party Printables. 101 Pretty Printables {free}

Twirling Paper Ladybugs. Ahhh, summer breezes, playing outside, soaking up the sunshine and… ladybugs!

Twirling Paper Ladybugs

These fun ladybugs are full of color and a great way to dress up a birthday party, a child’s bedroom, or even a back porch. Watch them twirl in the breeze on a warm summer day. To get the effect of these cute twirling ladybugs: Supplies for twirling ladybugs: construction paper, various colorspencilsomething round for tracing (jar, can, etc)scissorsblack craft paintsmall round spouncerpaintbrush8 medium wiggle eyes for each ladybugstringwhite craft gluehot glue gun (optional but recommended) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

FREEBIES. Handcrafted party. I am ecstatic to share with you today’s Handcrafted Party feature.

Handcrafted party

The seriously creative Disney from Ruffles & Stuff is sharing with us a party she recently threw for her sweet daughter (and modeling assistant) Paige. I can not tell you enough how much I love everything Disney does… this party is no different. From homemade party hats to accordion style paper flowers she did not spend a dime on decorations. She created everything from hand and stayed true to her lovely homemade style. Handcrafted party, Ruffled style Although the party was moved indoors at the last minute the birthday girl was still celebrated under walls filled with beautiful handcrafted party decor. Each girl was given an fashionable flower headband to wear. Last-minute christmas tags. I know everyone is busy wrapping (or perhaps still finishing) a few gifts.

I'm here to help! These gift tags are a great way to use leftover fabric scraps. First, download this template and print it on some white cardstock. Here's what you need: your printed template, a ruler and an x-acto knife, a bone folder (in order to get nice crisp folds), a cutting mat, glue (spray adhesive or glue stick), 1.5” circle punch (or you can cut the circles with your x-acto knife.. be careful!) , a few cute fabric swatches (cut to roughly 1.75” squares), and a hole punch. STEP 1: Cut out your tags (each template makes four tags) with a ruler and an x-acto knife, using the guides on the template.

STEP 2: Take the four cards and punch out the 1.5” circle, as marked on the template (your circle punch will be slightly larger than the circle on the template). STEP 3: Apply glue to the entire wrong side (or back of the card) especially the edges.