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What's new in GLPi 9.2 (1) UX · TICgal. It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve finally found some time to write about GLPi’s new version (first minor GLPi 9.2.1 is out). A couple of months, ago Teclib‘ released a video unveiling exciting new features. Let’s try to deep dive into them, hoping you find them useful to help you move forward and upgrade your old install, or simply give it a try to find out what a great opensource IT asset inventory and helpdesk tool you’ve been missing.

Without further ado, let’s review GLPi 9.2 new user interface and user experience. Remember me The first improvement is easily found on the login screen. If you haven’t setup SSO, both you and your users would be tired of writing clicking the Accept button. New language selector Really? So, what is this new feature about? Debug Mode Icon As an end user (post-only or self-service) you won’t take advantage of it, as an admin or developer, you will, though.

Behind this funny name, you will found a real time saver. Improved performance I know, I know. Herramientas para gestión de inventario informático · TICgal. Ayer 21 de marzo, se celebró la videosesión vsTECNIRIS/57 con el título: Herramientas para Gestión de Inventario Informático de código abierto en la que se compartieron soluciones y experiencias referidas al inventariado de equipos y recursos informáticos. En ella se presentaron tres soluciones de gestión de Inventario de código abierto: OpenDCIM que fue mostrada por Pepe Medina de la Universidad de Cádiz.GLPi de la que me encargaron responsabilizarme, y en la que he intentado mostrar la potencia de GLPi como herramienta de inventario, además de unas breves pinceladas de su funcionalidad como ServiceDesk o Mesa de ayuda.NeDi presentada por Inés Tovar de la Universidad Carlos III. Como ya he indicado, Teclib’ confió en mi para presentar la solución GLPi. Aquí te dejo un enlace a la sesión grabada, para que puedas ver las opciones que ofrecen las tres soluciones y también un enlace a la presentación en PDF.

Presentación GLPi en vídeo Presentación GLPi en PDF La noticia en la página de teclib’: Fix MySQL strict mode is not enabled in GLPi · TICgal. OK, this is my first post in English, so please don’t be mean, and take it as My Best Effort or a Yet Another Lousy IT Guy Doing His Best (YALIGDHB) :). Let’s get our hands dirty. In my last GLPi upgrade to 0.90.1 had a permission issue I didn’t knew of. Because of this, I had Debug Mode activated and found this annoying warning message just in the middle of my lovely, new and responsive GLPi interface: MySQL strict mode is not enabled It wasn’t really that important. I didn’t want to have it all the time remind me of its existence, though. In order to remove it, you need to edit your my.cnf file. Sudo vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf And add this simple line under [mysqld] section: sql_mode = “STRICT_TRANS_TABLES” And don’t forget to restart your mySQL!

Service mysql restart Related.