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Glossário wireless - Dicas. Um mini dicionário com os principais termos do mundo das redes sem-fio, para você ficar por dentro do assunto e mergulhar na internet sem usar cabos Um mini dicionário com os principais termos do mundo das redes sem-fio, para você ficar por dentro do assunto e mergulhar na internet sem precisar de cabos: 802.11a – Variante Wi-Fi que opera na freqüência de 5 GHz e atinge velocidade de 54 Mbps (megabits por segundo). É incompatível com as redes 802.11b. 802.11b – Padrão original de redes sem fio definido pelo IEEE. É o mais lento de todos, com transmissão de 11 megabits por segundo. 802.11g – Padrão Wi-Fi com velocidade similar ao 802.11a (54 Mbps). 802.11i – Atualização de segurança do padrão 802.11. 802.11n – Grupo do comitê IEEE 802.11 que trabalha na definição de um padrão com taxa de transferência em redes sem fio de pelo menos 100 Mbps, mas com o objetivo de atingir até 540 Mpbs.

AirPort – Denominação usada pela Apple para Wi-Fi, com padrão 802.11b ou 802.11g (Airport Extreme). How do I connect to SQL Server with Enterprise Manager? Ajax Learning Guide. Are you a Web developer? The time has come to rethink your entire approach to developing Web applications. Find out about the Ajax approach (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and learn how Web developers are not only enriching the user interface but also making When you register, you'll begin receiving targeted emails from my team of award-winning writers.

Our goal is to provide a unique online resource for developers, architects and development managers tasked with building and maintaining enterprise applications using Visual Basic, C# and the Microsoft .NET platform. it more responsive. Ajax Quickstart Microsoft Atlas Ajax Articles Ajax Tutorials Book Reviews & Chapter Downloads : "Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a method of building interactive applications for the Web that process user requests immediately. Learn what Ajax is all about ( Not sure if Ajax is for you? Why use Ajax (Interakt) There are a lot of pros to using Ajax and there are some cons as well. Simple Ajax Example. Ajax is the method of using Javascript, DHTML and the XMLHttpRequest object to perform a GET or POST and return a result without reloading the HTML page.

Below is a very simple Ajax example that calls a CGI script that prints out the word sent to the CGI script and the remote user's IP address. Simple Ajax Demo HTML page This is the HTML page with three JavaScript functions that perform the XMLHttpRequest and subsequent update to the HTML page. CGI Script This is the CGI script that the JavaScript in the HTML page calls.

. #! More Ajax Reference Material. How We Publish and Why: An Ajax Example - O'Reilly ONLamp B. Equal Height Columns - revisited - In search of the One True Lay. Stop Press! Several problems have been found with this technique since publication. Those problems are discussed in Appendix J Huh? As an astute disciple of CSS, you are probably about to point out that there is a well-known tried and tested method for this (and as already mentioned earlier in this article), the one popularised in Dan Cederholm's Faux Columns. If so, just wait - we are returning to the scene of the crime... Who? The real credit for this technique belongs to Mark Challoner who had the crucial insight - I have merely helped polish it to the point where you can see your boots in it. What? What it says on the tin - a method to make all columns appear to be the same height. Why? Because equal height columns are a perfectly reasonable design goal.

The most astute disciple is already one step ahead and is awaiting the pronouncement that Faux Columns are dead. How? The basic method works like this: Beware though, browsers don't let you throw arbitrarily large values at them. Safari When? No More Tables CSS Layout Techniques. AJAX Tutorial. Getting Started with Ajax - Introduction. Webinsider.