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Search Engine Optimization Tips. SEO - Search Engine Optimization | Read SEOmoz, Rank Better. Mestre SEO - Otimização de sites (SEO) Search Engine Optimization Made Simple: Five St... Trying to get visitors to come to your Web site can be a big challenge. Search engine optimization attempts to take some of the guesswork out of this challenge by getting your Web pages to place highly in search engines. When you use search engine optimization, you aren't employing tricks or hacks, but instead writing your pages so that they provide exactly what your customers want while simultaneously showing it to the search engines effectively.

These five tips will help you learn search engine optimization to get better rankings for your Web pages. Step One: Pick a Target Phrase When using search engine optimization, you need to determine one phrase that describes what your page is about. Important Your phrase should be an important part of the page information. There are several search engine optimization tools you can use to find good target phrases: Overture is a great tool for assessing popularity as well as brainstorming ideas for target phrases. Step Two: Analyze Your Competition. Link Popularity Checker - Search Engines. Research Help - Web Research: How to Evaluate W...

How to Evaluate Websites Why Evaluate Websites? Anybody with the right software can publish on the Internet. Anybody. Unlike books and journal articles that are reviewed and edited before they are published, there is no formal evaulating process to decide what goes on the internet. What to Look For Author Who wrote this? Content The content of a Website is influenced by its purpose.

What is the purpose of the page? Design Is the information current? All Things Web: The 'Vision Thing' The "Vision Thing" It's important for Web designers to have a basic understanding of the mechanics of human visual perception. To the extent that your pages are "easy on the eyes," readers will find your site more inviting and more readable.

Conversely, pages that visually overstimulate a reader are not only more difficult to read, but much more likely to result in eyestrain, fatigue, even headaches (none of which is particularly popular among readers). A reader-friendly Web page is one that: Designs for readability first Relies on structural markup tags to highlight content Uses color sparingly and appropriately Avoids visually taxing, chaotic, competing presentations First Things First Most people find reading from a computer screen inherently more difficult than reading from paper. Remember that not everyone who hits your page will have the latest-&-greatest in true-color technology. Playing with color is fun, and judicious, informed color use can help to make a page more readable. What is a Web Robot? How to Handle Robots on Yo... A Web robot is a program that automatically and recursively traverses a Web site retrieving document content and information. The most common types of Web robots are the search engine spiders.

These robots visit Web sites and follow the links to add more information to the search engine database. Web robots often go by different names. You may hear them called: spidersbotscrawlers All these terms mean the same thing, but robot is the clearest, because it does not imply that the program is moving through the Web site on its own, but rather is programmed to move systematically through a site.

Web Robots Follow Rules While it is possible to write a robot that ignores the rules, most Web robots are written to obey certain rules set down in a specific text file on your site. Keep in mind that while most Web robots follow the rules that you lay out in your robots.txt file, some do not. How are Web Robots Used The most common use for Web robots is to index a site for a search engine. Search engine optimization - Wikipedia, the fre...

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic. The plural of the abbreviation SEO can also refer to "search engine optimizers", those who provide SEO services.

History Early versions of search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as the keyword meta tag, or index files in engines like ALIWEB. Meta tags provide a guide to each page's content. By 2004, search engines had incorporated a wide range of undisclosed factors in their ranking algorithms to reduce the impact of link manipulation. Methods. Informações do Google para Webmasters. SEO son las siglas en inglés de Search Engine Optimization (optimización en buscadores) o Search Engine Optimizer (optimizador de motores de búsqueda). Contratar a un SEO es una decisión muy importante que puede mejorar su sitio y ahorrarle tiempo, aunque también se arriesga a dañar su funcionamiento y reputación. Asegúrate de investigar las ventajas potenciales y los perjuicios de un SEO irresponsable en tu sitio. Muchos SEO y otras agencias y consultorías ofrecen servicios útiles para los propietarios de sitios web, como: revisión del contenido y la estructura del sitio, asistencia técnica en el desarrollo de sitios web: por ejemplo, alojamiento, redireccionamientos, páginas de error, uso de JavaScript, etc., desarrollo de contenidos, administración de campañas de desarrollo empresarial online, investigación sobre palabras clave y formación en SEO, experiencia en mercados y regiones geográficas específicos.

Algunas preguntas útiles para hacer a un SEO son: