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Wiki: HowToConfigureXDebug. How to configure XDebug Overview This document describes the installation of xdebug. There are separate sections for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows users. However, the information in How to on Linux may be interesting for Windows users as well. Please send your comments to if you have any comments or questions. Other Useful Documents see installation, configuration instructions: General Information Edit PHP Configuration - name of configuration file is php.ini The location of php.ini differs between operating systems, Linux distributions, types of installation (from packages or sources), and/or Windows-based solution stacks (WAMP, XAMP) Typically, more than one php.ini file exists.

Important note for WAMP: xdebug configuration (below) must be added in WAMP's apache-directory php.ini (e.g. NOTICE: From PHP 5.3 onwards, you need to use zend_extension and not zend_extension_ts. Tips from the NetBeans Forums A user provides the following additional tips: will not work. 4. E.g. Ruby On Rails - Criando um BLOG com NetBeans - 1a Parte. Este tutorial utiliza MySQL como Banco de Dados e NetBeans como IDE para Ruby On Rails. Algumas convenções: Nome da Entidade/ModelNome da classe no singular em inglês (ex.: personNome da Tabela correspondenteNome da tabela no plural em inglês (ex.: people)Se houver tabela de relacionamento para many-to-manyNomes das duas tabelas, separadas por “_” e em ordem alfabética (ex.: people_users)Nome da coluna que é chave primária, de qualquer tabelaid (e será sempre integer e, se o banco suportar, auto incrementadoNome de coluna para chave estrangeiraNome da tabela a quem se liga, no singular, concatenado com _id.

(ex.: person_id) Não somos obrigados a seguir estas convenções, mas se as convenções forem seguidas as configurações diminuirão para perto de zero. Neste exemplo, queremos seguir os padrões. Na IDE do NetBeans, Selecione File >> New Project, em Categories selecione Ruby, em Projects selecione Ruby On Rails Application conforme figura abaixo: Veja figura abaixo: Click em Ok. Creating a Ruby Weblog in 10 Minutes - NetBeans IDE 6.0 Tutorial. The page you requested was not found. Please use the navigation tabs at the top, or try searching. It looks like you arrived here by following a link on a page - please notify the NetBeans webmasters so they can fix this. If you were looking for an article about an older release of NetBeans, it may have been archived - check the list of archived documentation.

<ul><li>If you arrived here by following a link on a page, <a href=" If you wanted to download NetBeans IDE and it failed, please try to clear your browser's cache and try again. Getting Started With Ruby and Rails - NetBeans IDE 6.0 Tutorial. The page you requested was not found. Please use the navigation tabs at the top, or try searching. It looks like you arrived here by following a link on a page - please notify the NetBeans webmasters so they can fix this. If you were looking for an article about an older release of NetBeans, it may have been archived - check the list of archived documentation. <ul><li>If you arrived here by following a link on a page, <a href=" notify the NetBeans webmasters</a> so they can fix the problem. If you wanted to download NetBeans IDE and it failed, please try to clear your browser's cache and try again. Wiki: HowToConfigureXDebug. How to configure XDebug Overview This document describes the installation of xdebug.

There are separate sections for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows users. However, the information in How to on Linux may be interesting for Windows users as well. Please send your comments to if you have any comments or questions. Other Useful Documents see installation, configuration instructions: General Information Edit PHP Configuration - name of configuration file is php.ini The location of php.ini differs between operating systems, Linux distributions, types of installation (from packages or sources), and/or Windows-based solution stacks (WAMP, XAMP) Typically, more than one php.ini file exists. Important note for WAMP: xdebug configuration (below) must be added in WAMP's apache-directory php.ini (e.g.

NOTICE: From PHP 5.3 onwards, you need to use zend_extension and not zend_extension_ts. Tips from the NetBeans Forums A user provides the following additional tips: will not work. 4. E.g. Projeto ITA-Alumni » Acentuação correta no Netbeans. Wiki: 10GreatFeaturesInNetbeans. IDE for PHP: Getting Started. This tutorial shows you how to set up a PHP project in NetBeans IDE.

Contents To follow this tutorial, you need the following software and resources. Getting Ready Before creating a PHP project, you need to download and install the NetBeans IDE for PHP and prepare your environment for PHP development. To set up a PHP project: To change the settings of an existing project, position the cursor on the project node and choose Properties from the popup menu. Specifying the Project Name and Location of the Source Files Start the IDE and switch to the Projects window. Depending on your needs, you can create a completely new PHP project without any previously developed source files, or import an existing local PHP application or remote PHP application into a new project. Project without Previously Developed Source Files In the Projects area, choose PHP Application and click Next. Click Next. Importing Existing Local Source Files into a Project Click Next. Local Web Site. Local Web Site Remote Web Site. IDE 6.5 PHP Quick Start Tutorial.

This document provides general guidelines for preparing the environment for PHP development, setting up a PHP project, and developing and running your first PHP application in the NetBeans IDE for PHP. Contents To follow this tutorial, you need the following software and resources. You can install the PHP engine, web server and database separately or use AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) packages. Installation and Configuration The following documents contain instructions for one or two ways to set up a PHP web stack on your operating system. These instructions are not definitive. The web stack consists of third-party software, your environment may differ, and you might prefer a different AMP package or another way to set up PHP. Setting up a PHP Project in the NetBeans IDE for PHP For help in installing and starting NetBeans IDE, please see the installation documentation. To start PHP development in the NetBeans IDE for PHP, you first need to create a project.

Running Your First PHP Project Next Steps.