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Roleplaying Games from Steve Jackson Games. Ars ludi » Choosing New Games: the Character Sheet Test. When I’m struggling to decide whether a new game system is worth trying out, there are lots of different things that can influence my decision. But when in doubt, I find I fall back on the character sheet test: 1) Open the book 2) Flip through it until you find a character write-up 3) Read If your eyes start to bleed, you feel a faint nausea or dizziness, or you just get distracted and start thinking about more interesting things like getting flu shots or doing your laundry, then the game has failed the character sheet test.

It is not the game for you. On the other hand if the character sheet seems vaguely interesting, comprehensible, or if it arouses excitement or even a faint sense of curiosity, then the system is probably one that’s worth your time to try.

DM Things

Systems. Misc. Character creation. All-in-one. Strategies.