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Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks. What can you do with this? – dy/dan. 2016 Aug 6. Here is video of this task structure implemented with elementary students. 2013 May 14. Here’s a brief series on how to teach with three-act math tasks. It includes video. 2013 Apr 12. I’ve been working this blog post into curriculum ideas for a couple years now. Storytelling gives us a framework for certain mathematical tasks that is both prescriptive enough to be useful and flexible enough to be usable. Act One Introduce the central conflict of your story/task clearly, visually, viscerally, using as few words as possible.

With Jaws your first act looks something like this: The visual is clear. With math, your first act looks something like this: The visual is clear. Leave no one out of your first act. Act Two The protagonist/student overcomes obstacles, looks for resources, and develops new tools. So it is with your second act. What tools do they have already? Act Three Resolve the conflict and set up a sequel/extension. That’s a resolution right there. Conclusion Related. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives.

Free Math Textbooks. BBC Bitesize - GCSE Maths (2015 onwards) 4 Great Equation Tools for Math Teachers and Students. June 29, 2015 Here are four excellent Chrome apps specifically curated for Math teachers and students. These apps are ideal for writing, editing and viewing math formula whether they are simple or complex. One of these tools, TeX equation editor, is integrated with Google Drive so you can easily paste TeX equations right into your Google Docs. 1- Daum Equation Edior 'Edit the formula in this program is designed to quickly and easily. In the editor that provides many types of formulas with just the click of a button you can create a formula. 'This is a fast equation editor/viewer that allows you to type equations quickly using helpful shortcuts and see them as you do. 3- TeX Equation Editor ‘You can generate an image of a mathematical formula using the TeX(or LaTeX) language.This is useful for displaying complex formulas on your web page. 4- MathX Equation Builder for Google Docs ‘MATHX is the next generation equation editor that makes typing equations fast and easy for everyone.

Free-standing Maths Qualifications/Activities & Use of Maths. Applying Mathematical Processes. Edheads - Activate Your Mind! The Radix Endeavor. Cymath - Math Solver with Steps. Quality Online Math Help for Free. Physics, Math Home. MIT Mathlets. Video Library. Shodor: A National Resource for Computational Science Education. MASTER Tools. Modeling And Simulation Tools for Education Reform MASTER Tools, developed by The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. are the result of on-going collaborations with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), George Mason University, and other education organizations.

They are designed to be interactive tools and simulation environments that enable and encourage exploration and discovery through observation, conjecture, and modeling activities. Our growing portfolio of MASTER tools will soon be fully integrated with new collaboration tools and online research facilities to create an authentic scientific experience. All of our simulations and supporting curriculum materials are designed in accordance with the new National Science Education Standards and the National Math Education Standards.

Instructional materials are currently available for GalaxSee, SimSurface, and the Fractal Microscope. Home Page. Touch Mathematics | Derivatives. GeoGebra. Prof Keely's MathOL Web - FAQs - Notation/Graphing. How do I post mathematics notation and symbols online? The answer depends on a variety of things including what kinds of expressions you want to type, what software you have available, and your technological experience. Use simple notations: For a power use ^ or the superscript key. See How do you type superscripts? For a square root type sqrt() or use ASCII to produce √.

See ASCII codes. Useful shortuts. How do I type superscripts (powers) and subscripts in a discussion board? To type a power (superscript) in a DB you can just use the caret symbol (looks like ^ and is above the 6 on a standard keyboard). How do I type ASCII codes to quickly make math symbols? ASCII codes are easy to produce using your numeric keypad. How do I type HTML tags to make math symbols in a discussion board?

If you are familiar with HTML programming you can use HTML tags to format your messages and produce some mathematical symbols. How do I type math expressions in plain text? Jing is a free screenshot software. Square Graph Paper PDFs. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Home Page. WebMath - Solve Your Math Problem. Figure This! Math Challenges for Families - Teacher Corner. Mathademics! XP Math - FREE Math Games - Common Core Math. Maths online Gallery - Table of contents. Graph Paper for High School Math. Math. IQ - Interactive Quizzes.

TenMarks - Math Programs. IQ - Interactive Quizzes. Math Games - from