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Stop selling scarcity « BuzzMachine. If you are selling a scarcity — an inventory — of any nonphysical goods today, stop, turn around, and start selling value — outcomes — instead.

Stop selling scarcity « BuzzMachine

Or you’re screwed. Apply this rule to many enterprises: advertising, media, content, information, education, consultation, and to some extent, performance. Start with advertising. I wrote in my report on a local advertising sales roundtable we held at CUNY that sites should shift from selling media — their own inventory of banners and buttons — to selling services for merchants, helping them succeed through networks of local sites and also through Google, Yelp, Twitter, Facebook, email, mobile, and whatever comes next … helping them with their business.

The merchant doesn’t give a rat’s ass about your limited supply of space and eyeballs; the merchant cares about sales and return on investment. Le ton journalistique : petite leçon de formatage. L’information n’a jamais été un produit commercialement viable. Cet article est une traduction d’un billet publié par le Pr Robert G Picard: News has never been a commercially viable product.

L’information n’a jamais été un produit commercialement viable

Qu’il soit remercié d’avoir autorisé cette traduction. Le Pr Picard est l’un des meilleurs spécialistes de l’économie des médias.

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