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Pronoun and its type. Definition A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun. In the sentence Joe saw Jill, and he waved at her, the pronouns he and her take the place of Joe and Jill, respectively. There are three types of pronouns: subject (for example, he); object (him); or possessive (his). Without pronouns, we’d have to keep on repeating nouns, and that would make our speech and writing repetitive, not to mention cumbersome. Most pronouns are very short words. Examples include: HeSheTheyItWeWho As mentioned, pronouns are usually used to replace nouns, however they can also stand in for certain adverbs, adjectives, and other pronouns. Types of Pronouns:- Pronouns can be divided into numerous categories including: Pronoun Rules:- There are a few important rules for using pronouns. Subject pronouns may be used to begin sentences. Examples of Pronouns Pronoun exercise:- This is __________ speaking.

Still life- pencil still life-drawingtutorials Still life has provided a platf.............. TECHNIQUE: In any still-life, you should start to draw the objects as if they are transparent wire frame forms with visible lines of construction. This technique helps you to be fully aware of the shape of each individual form and its position in relation to the other forms. It is important to sketch the objects lightly as this makes it easier to change any mistakes and erase any lines of construction. NOTE: This see-through drawing technique uses vertical and horizontal lines of construction to help you to draw convincing ellipses and to balance the symmetry of cylindrical forms.

TECHNIQUE: When composing a still life, try to introduce the qualities that make an interesting arrangement. NOTE: A transparent wire frame approach to sketching the it helps you to organize the composition of the group. TECHNIQUE: Once you are happy with the shape, proportion and composition of the still life, you can erase the lines of transparent construction. English Grammar Exercises - conjunction, preposition. How can you improve your English grammar exercises solving skill?.

Thinking about this, I make an exercise. Here I am providing some English grammar exercises to improve your English grammar exercises solving skill.Here you can improve your English grammar. By solving these English grammar exercise, you can improve your English grammar skill. Fill the verb’s 2nd form in following sentences. 1. I……………. A letter to my brother. (write) 2.