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Vine Just Made Twitter A Stronger Social Network. Vine, in case you missed it, is a standalone iOS app from Twitter that lets users create short, 6-second videos that run on a loop. Users record by holding their thumb against the screen, and stop by releasing. The short clips can then be threaded together and shared on Vine itself, Twitter or even Facebook. Here’s how a silly video-sharing app (which has been done before, by the way) makes Twitter a stronger social network. Content Generation Since Twitter launched, it’s never had a non-text platform for media creation.

Sure, you can take photos within the app, and Twitter tapped Aviary to add Instagram-like filters to that process, but this is Twitter’s first standalone product that lets users share in some way other than a tweet. Twitter is a network based around media. Rather than let Facebook’s Instagram push all the juicy content through Twitter’s real-time network, the company has decided to build its own, new Instagram.

Creation Vs. But this actually works in Twitter’s favor. VinePeek And VineRoulette Let Us Become Real-time Video Voyeurs. Twitter’s new video-sharing service, Vine, launched a few days ago, which we’ve covered extensively. My main complaint after a couple days worth of use is that I simply can’t find enough vines to enjoy. But a “Friday project” out of product incubator PXi Ventures could change all that, as they’ve launched a service called VinePeek. VinePeek is a website that pulls in the latest vines one after the other. It doesn’t matter who you follow, who you know, or if you’re even on Vine or Twitter.

A similar site, VineRoulette serves up random vines around the world and lets you view tagged vines in a fairly unique interface. Both services offer real-time streams of all the latest vines from all over the world, and as you’ll learn once you click the link, video certainly brings a whole new level of awesome to the notion of social video. The app uses Ruby, Redis and the Twitter API to find new tweets containing vines. VineRoulette - View Vines posted around the world. Vinepeek. Twitter’s Vine Has A Porn Problem. If you build it they will come. Vine, Twitter’s new video sharing platform, is currently experiencing a porn problem. As Nick Bilton pointed out earlier, by searching for the tags “#porn” or similar NSFW words, you can find content featuring exhibitionists of various stripes as well as porn video taken directly from laptop screens.

All is not lost, however. Vine users can flag inappropriate video using the mobile app and, if flagged enough times, the system adds an interstitial roadblock that warns you of inappropriate content.