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Hmmm Is A Split-Personality Social Network For Sharing Different Yous To Different Facebook Friends. You’re crazy with your friends, serious with your co-workers, and sweet with your parents. Now you can share those distinct personalities with their matching audiences thanks to Hmmm, a mobile app launching today that aims to let you be yourself online, whoever that is. Facebook friend lists and Google Circles have proven too clumsy for selective sharing. They’ve led to the rise of Path, which eliminates the decision making by creating a social micronetwork of your closest friends, but all your favorite people aren’t there, and not every post is appropriate for everyone you love.

Hmmm lets you create separate avatars for each of your identities, and publish to pre-made sets of Hmmm and Facebook friends. Plus, Hmmm will soon be able to notify a friend that says they’re bored when you post that you want to see a movie. Sol Studios just launched Hmmm at TechCrunch Disrupt New York, with an iOS app available now and an Android version coming in two weeks. Pew Study: 18% Of U.S. Smartphone Owners Use Check-In Apps. According to a new study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, the popularity of check-in apps continues to grow, though it still isn’t quite mainstream yet.

Pew’s latest survey found that in February 2012, 18% of U.S. smartphone owners over 18 used geosocial check-in apps like Foursquare. That’s up from 12% in May 2011. Even among adults who said they own a feature phone, 11% said they use check-in apps. This means that 10% of U.S. adults (including those who don’t own a cell phone), have now used check-in services at some point in the past. Sadly, the Pew survey did not ask users about how frequently they use these services. Given the hype around these apps in the past, it would be interesting to see how sticky these apps really are.

Besides looking at geosocial and check-in services, the Pew study also looked at how often U.S. smartphone owners use their phones to get directions or to get general location-based information like restaurant recommendations. [Application] Staround facilite le partage d’opinions entre amis. Disponible depuis un mois sur l’App Store, Staround est une application iPhone gratuite qui permet de consulter rapidement l’avis de vos amis sur ce que vous vivez, via le partage de photos. Concrètement, à chaque instant, l’utilisateur de Staround peut prendre une photo de ce qu’il vit, voit où rencontre.

A lui ensuite de commenter, noter et géolocaliser le cliché pour après le diffuser sur les réseaux sociaux et attendre le retour de ses amis, qui eux-mêmes pourront noter cette photo. L’utilisateur aura ainsi la possibilité de prendre en compte l’avis moyen de toute sa communauté. Exemple : En entrant dans une boutique vous flashez sur un super sac à main. Il suffit alors de le prendre en photo et de la diffuser sur Twitter et Facebook. Le concept, simple et efficace, pourrait bien devenir un véritable terrain de jeu pour les marques. Fondée il y a 8 mois, la start-up éditrice de l’application comptait parmi les 16 finalistes de la Startup Competition à LeWeb’11.

Ex-Googlers Launch iPhone App for Tapping Into Friends' Reviews. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Stamped Quick Pitch: An iPhone app that lets you find and share recommendations with people you trust. Genius Idea: Although review sites can be handy while trying to secure a last-minute hotel reservation or — deep breath — finding a hair salon in a new neighborhood, nothing evokes more confidence than taking the recommendation of a friend whose tastes you know and trust.

But there doesn't yet exist a convenient platform or library for sharing and storing recommendations with your friends. Enter Stamped, a Google Ventures-backed iPhone app launched by a team of (mostly) former Google employees this week. It works like this: After downloading the app, you're given 100 stamps, which you can use to recommend restaurants, books, movies and albums, among other things. Foursquare Outgrows Mobile, Wants To Be Your City Guide. How many times have you checked in to Foursquare via the web? If you’re like me and I’m willing to bet most people, the answer to that question is “None.” Foursquare, who is likely well aware of this, has just pushed the latest in the series of #New4sq updates, in an effort to improve (and not solely to garner data from) the lives of its web users. One million daily unique visitors is a terrible thing to waste. The site redesign is the third major product development that aspires to move Foursquare beyond the check in; The company recently launched Explore to derive value from all the checkin data it has accumulated over the past three years, then Radar which allowed users to take advantage of that data with minimum effort.

Users visiting from a computer or a tablet (through the magic of HTML5) will now see a Google map of emblazoned with Icons for all the places of note around them, populated by explore data.


[LeWeb'11] Staround simplifie le partage d'opinion. Staround, finaliste de la Startup Competition au Web 11, est une application iPhone qui permet de donner son avis sur tout et n’importe quoi. L’application est innovante, très simple à utiliser et efficace. Staround, finaliste de la Startup Competition au Web 11, est une application iPhone qui permet de donner son avis sur tout et n’importe quoi. L’application est innovante, très simple à utiliser et efficace. Si vous voulez partager votre opinion ou demander l’avis de vos amis sur un produit, cette application devrait vous plaire. En effet, il suffit de prendre en photo un produit, de le noter (de 1 à 5 étoiles) et éventuellement de laisser un commentaire.

Une fois votre avis posté, vous pouvez le partager sur Facebook et Twitter pour que vos amis vous disent ce qu’ils en pensent. Ce concept devrait être très intéressant pour les marques afin de mesurer l’opinion sur un produit, cela sera toujours moins coûteux et plus pertinent qu’une enquête de satisfaction massive et non ciblée. Le tourisme numérique est SoLoMo (Social-Local-Mobile)