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Sociology around Facebook

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People Are Facebook’ing-and-Buying More Than Ever, Even If They Don’t Realize It. A thin Reuters survey says 34% of people THINK they’re using Facebook less than six months ago, but Nielsen DATA shows usage is up 18 minutes to seven hours nine minutes per month per user in that time span. Meanwhile, Reuters says four out of five people THINK they’ve never bought something based on social network ads or friend recommendations, but that means a full 20% believe they have, and the rest were likely subtly influenced to prefer one brand over another. In the end, deducing facts about 900 million people based on the self-reported survey results of 800 people is shortsighted, and Reuters’ framing to signal Facebook’s demise is sensational.

There are plenty of questions for Facebook’s business model, especially how it will make more money on smaller mobile screens. But people are not abandoning Facebook, and it has 16 billion IPO dollars-worth of runway to make itself more useful for marketers. Not everything is not peachy-keen in Facebook world. [Image Credit: Billy Jury]

How to Tell if You're Addicted to Facebook. If your friends and family joke that you're addicted to Facebook, they may be right. Researchers in Norway have identified six signs that you may be addicted. They've used those signs to develop a test to help you figure out of your suffer from a social media addiction. The test, called the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, is based on six basic criteria, where all items are scored on the following scale: (1) Very rarely (2) Rarely (3) Sometimes (4) Often and (5) Very often. The signs are: You spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook. If you are, indeed, addicted, you're not alone, the researchers say.

"The use of Facebook has increased rapidly. Andreassen heads the research project "Facebook Addiction" at the University of Bergen (UiB) in Norway. Andreassen said she sees some clear patterns in Facebook addiction. "It occurs more regularly among younger than older users. People who are organized and more ambitious tend to be less at risk from Facebook addiction. The Truth About Facebook and Grades. Facebook and Twitter users spend 1.5x more online than the average Internet user Brian Solis. InShare13 If you want to get a glimpse of the economic future, focus on the emerging trends driven by those defining the evolution of the social Web. Social media is not only democratizing influence and upsetting the traditional media ecosystem, it is now an indicator for a potential economic resurgence.

Leading metrics firm, comScore, released its Q1 U.S E-Commerce Spending Report recently, finding that online retail spending approached $34 billion in Q1 2010, which represents a 10 percent boost compared to last year. The surge also symbolizes the first time that growth rates hit double-digits since the second quarter of 2008. In its detailed report, comScore also revealed both interesting and promising insight into the social consumer and their spending habits. We are officially entering an era of social shopping, where individuals influence and are influenced by their peers within traditional social networks and a new genre of group buying or social commerce networks. Online Spending. Facebook, les réseaux sociaux et les consommateurs: je t'aime moi non plus! Au monde des réseaux sociaux, pour continuer de filer la métaphore artistique et en l’occurrence cinématographique, on pourrait croire avec Jean Yanne que " Tout le monde il est beau, tout le monde il est gentil ".

Seulement voilà, avec le consommateur et Audiard, " Faut pas prendre les enfants du bon dieu pour des canards sauvages ". Car le consommateur regarde de très près ce qu'il fait quand il achète, et sans être avare, toujours avec Jean Yanne " Moi y en a vouloir (pour mes) sous "! Le marketing des réseaux sociaux n'exclut pas l'humour (d'où cette petite introduction et son côté storytelling de circonstance qui ne vous aura pas échappé!).

C'est néanmoins à une réflexion sérieuse et documentée sur les relations entre les consommateurs et les réseaux sociaux à laquelle nous nous sommes attelés. Des études, des réseaux sociaux et des consommateurs Tout en rappelant que les pratiques européennes ne sont pas exactement les pratiques américaines par exemple. Ensuite, les chiffres. Facebook Demographics & User Statistics. 9 In 10 Moms Are Facebook Friends With Their Kids. Pretty sneaky, mom: While 90 percent of mothers are friends with their children on Facebook, 46 percent of them restrict their kids’ access to their profiles, according to a study by the publisher of Parenting and Babytalk magazines. This percentage is significantly higher than what we’ve seen in a Kaplan survey of teens, about 65 percent of whom said they are Facebook friends with their parents. We wonder whether the moms have a more idealized view of things, but it’s possible that some of these mothers might have separate, made-up aliases for befriending their kids on Facebook.

Meanwhile, other findings from the email survey of 1,146 mothers by The Parenting Group are: The Parenting Group Vice President and Group Publisher Mark Wildman said: We know that the smartphone is the modern mom’s lifeline, and that Facebook is her communication pipeline, but how and when she introduces her children to both worlds is still uncharted territory for most parents.