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Online reputation management

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Who Googled You? This Website Knows. After a date, a pitch or a job interview, there's a good chance you're going to get Googled. Online reputation manager BrandYourself now helps you figure out who is searching for your name. The startup, which helps individuals control Google results for names through SEO, launched a new feature on Tuesday that shows users where visitors to their BrandYourself profiles work and where they're located. BrandYourself built a database of organizations' publicly-available IP addresses in order to create the feature. They use it to match IP addressees of profile visitors with the companies that own those addressses. Visitors most frequently reach BrandYourself profiles through Google, but the feature works the same way if visitors reach a user's profile from another search engine or website. The system isn't foolproof. While it's easy to track down IP addresses for large organizations, many smaller companies won't be listed.

[ebook] Guide pratique de l’e-réputation et du social CRM. Rankings of Best Reputation Management Company (ies) and Firms. Online Reputation Management: 16 Free Tools. In the first part of this series, I provided an overview of Online Reputation Management (ORM) and why it’s an important activity to adopt in your business and professional life. This post will outline some of the free tools available for monitoring your online reputation. Blog Monitoring 1. BackType Blog Comments Monitoring – This tool indexes conversations from blogs, social networks and other social media. 2. 3. 4. Twitter Monitoring 5. 6. 7. 8. Link Monitoring 9. 10. Other Tools 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. With the number of tools available, you will probably need to do some research to determine which services fulfill your needs. If you prefer to have more of the work done for you, there are also a number of paid tools available to monitor your online reputation: BrandsEye – Starting at $1 USD/monthNaymz – Premium service is $9.95 USD/’s MyReputation – $14.95 USD/monthTrackur – Starting at $18 USD/month Do you use any of these tools?

Related posts: The Online Reputation Management Guide. The following Online Reputation Management Guide will show small businesses how to assess, build, track and monitor their online reputation. In most cases, you can follow these simple steps to easily grow your personal brand and/or small business. If you’d prefer, you can also download the ORM Guide as a PDF. Introduction Two decades ago, an executive made a very public and damaging mistake.

They spent years regretting that decision and abandoned their profession. They found a new, honest career and in 2007 took a promising job. In 2008, a coworker dug up their past on Google. In 2008, a business owner found their personal beliefs exposed to the public. In 2009, an industry leader found that they were the subjects of a disparaging article from one of the world’s major news networks. In 2009, a small business found their former employee posting negative remarks on an industry-specific forum with an anonymous username. What do those situations have in common? The Potential Problem Technorati. Online reputation management (ORM) | Social media marketing and optimization (SMM/SMO) | Search engine optimization (SEO) - Online Reputation Management Leader.

34 Online Reputation Management Tools - Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing. Social media analytics.


Reputation management. Reputation management is the understanding or influencing of an individual's or business's reputation. It was originally coined as a public relations term, but advancement in computing, the internet and social media made it primarily an issue of search results. Some parts of reputation management are often associated with ethical grey areas, such as astroturfing review sites, censoring negative complaints or using SEO tactics to game the system and influence results. There are also ethical forms of reputation management, which are frequently used, such as responding to customer complaints, asking sites to take down incorrect information and using online feedback to influence product development.[1][2] History[edit] In 2007 a study by the University of California Berkeley found that some sellers were undertaking reputation management on eBay by selling products at a discount in exchange for positive feedback to game the system.[6] Concepts[edit] 1.

Ethics[edit] Justification[edit] Online reputation management. Accueil « Synthesio Synthesio. Synthesio accompagne Nissan depuis début 2011 afin de suivre et d'analyser les conversations des internautes dans 20 pays. Tous les quatre ans, un des rendez-vous majeurs du rugby mondial, le Lions Rugby Tour, rassemble les meilleurs joueurs anglais, écossais et irlandais pour une tournée en Australie, en Nouvelle-Zélande et en Afrique du Sud. Orange a conclu un partenariat avec Synthesio afin de suivre les avis de ses clients sur les médias sociaux. L'opérateur a ainsi pu identifier et résoudre des problèmes collectifs mentionnés sur les forums. [E-reputation] Les Français de Dynvibe, en veille active depuis l’Australie.

Nicolas et Anne-Cécile Guillemot sont heureux. Installés depuis plus de trois ans à Sydney, les deux français, fondateurs de Dynvibe, ne regrettent pas leur expatriation : l’Australie vient de voir sa note AAA confirmée. Mais c’est surtout la hausse de l’activité de leur société qui les ravit: +350% de CA prévisionnel en 2011. Spécialiste des outils de monitoring et d’analyse des performances des marques sur les médias sociaux, Dynvibe a développé deux armes pour contrer un marché de l’e-reputation aujourd’hui très concurrentiel: Dynvibe Pages et Dynvibe Sphere, deux plateformes complémentaires dédiées à la mesure de l’activité et l’audience des pages, et au monitoring sur les médias sociaux. Autofinancée, Dynvibe fonctionne sur un modèle simple : un abonnement de 100€/mois pour une page Facebook suivi ou une thématique suivie.

Interview « France-Australie » avec Nicolas Guillemot, co-fondateur de Dynvibe. KwikChex - Online Reputation Services. Youseemii, spécialiste de l’e-réputation, lève 300 000 euros. Youseemii, l’indice de visibilité sur internet, vient de finaliser son premier tour de table d’un montant de 300 000 € auprès de business angels. Depuis 2010, Youseemii propose de mesurer et de suivre l’évolution de son identité digitale en accédant en temps réel à l’ensemble des informations publiées sur internet et sur les réseaux sociaux.

Plusieurs millions de pages sont ainsi parcourues chaque jour. A partir des données collectées, la start-up calcule un indice de visibilité globale et par rubrique qui offre une vision exhaustive de sa présence numérique. Concrètement, l’utilisateur doit d’abord sélectionner un mode de recherche : Entreprise, Marque ou Individu. Il entre ensuite le nom de sa requête pour accéder rapidement à la synthèse des informations filtrées, mesurées et classées. Cette première levée de fonds doit permettre aux dirigeants de poursuivre le développement de la société et d’amorcer ainsi un virage vers des services premium. What is your PROskore? Find out if you are a top ranking Professional in your Community at