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Is a Google+ Profile Going to be Essential to Future Job Searches? Despite heavy promotion, Google+ has you suspect not delivered the results hoped for by Google (yet). They do appear however to be making some changes that could see your Google+ profile proving fundamental to your job search. They have updated their company job board so as to support Google+ profiles. This allows users to not only see more relevant search results, but to star jobs they want to save. The update seems to suggest that Google are planning a push into the job market. As with other promotions of Google+, those using the Google jobs board will having Google+ profiles pushed hard at them.

Google+ désormais intégré au Chrome Web Store. Mercredi 4 juillet Réseaux sociaux - 4 juillet 2012 :: 12:12 :: Par Rénald Google vient de mettre en place l’intégration de Google+ dans son Chrome Web Store. L’utilisateur peut ainsi connaître les apps, thèmes et autres extensions recommandés par ses amis du réseau social de Google. Après le grand nettoyage de printemps (d’été en fait), qui a vu la disparition de 5 services de Google, la firme de Mountain View a discrètement intégré Google+ au magasin d’applis de son navigateur Chrome.

Cet élan qui pousse encore un peu plus Google+ dans tous les services du géant d’internet vient déjà de voir l’intégration de Google+ dans YouTube. Cette dernière permet aux utilisateurs du site de partage de vidéos d’utiliser leur identité sous Google+ en lieu et place de leur pseudo YouTube. Concrètement, une nouvelle section nommée « From You Circles » apparaît dans le Chrome Web Store. (source) Plus d'infos sur : Chrome web store, Google, GooglePlus, intégration. Google+ Now Has A Tablet Version, Events, 250M Users, 75M Daily, More Mobile Than Desktop. Today at Google I/O , Google announced it has 250 million total users, 150 million monthly users, and 75 million daily users, with more usage from mobile than desktop. It released an Android tablet version too, and an iPad version is coming soon.

Both as well as Google+ for Android smartphones offer brand new navigation, a new ribbon bar, new notifications, and brand new profiles. Google+ today launches Events , with a focus on beautiful invites, a deep integration with Google Calendar, and real-time automatic photo uploads through Party Mode. Google+ Growth This month is Google+’s one year birthday, and Vic Gundrota rattled off stats in hopes of convincing the world of its momentum. Google+ active users spend over 60 minutes a day across Google products, and 12 minutes per day in the Google+ stream. Google+ For Tablet Today, Google+ for Android tablets becomes available, and the iPad version is due “very soon”. Google+ also got some updates in Android’s new 4.1 Jelly Bean OS. [Infographie] 20 bonnes raisons de passer à Google + Vous songez à quitter Facebook pour Google+ et ainsi en faire votre réseau social de prédilection? Le site Internet Mashable met en avant une infographie convaincante, mise sur pied par un cabinet d’études, sur les raisons pour lesquelles le service Google est utile, voir plus utile que les autres réseaux sociaux.

De l’intégration transparente avec les services Google, tels que Gmail, Google Docs et Picasa au chat vidéo Google et aux paramètres de confidentialité améliorés, il serait plus avantageux d’adopter Google +. Mais est-ce que l’ensemble de ces fonctionnalités sont vraiment intéressantes si vos amis et votre famille ne sont pas eux aussi sur le site ? Google+ Local, les recommandations locales et sociales. Par Olivier Duffez, Vendredi 1 juin 2012 Google vient de lancer Google+ Local, une sorte de guide de lieux recommandés en fonction de votre position bien sûr mais aussi de vos contacts sur Google+, complété par des avis complets issus du guide Zagat.

En opérant une sorte de fusion entre Google Maps et Google+, Google cherche (une fois de plus) à forcer les internautes à utiliser Google+... Voici un guide complet sur Google+ Local. Même s'il n'y a pas encore foule sur Google+ (en tout cas en France), Google sort son système de recommandations locales, baptisé Google+ Local. Vous pouvez y accéder en cliquant sur l'icône "Local" dans le bandeau de gauche de Google+ ou bien en allant sur Google+ s'ouvre à la recherche locale sociale Recherche de lieux dans Google+ Local En haut de la page Google+ Local, vous pouvez voir deux champs de recherche. Dans le deuxième champ, précisez une position. La fiche détaillée d'un lieu est devenue une page Google+ Votre avis. Exclusive: New Google+ Study Reveals Minimal Social Activity, Weak User Engagement. Larry Page recently called Google+ the company's "social spine. " If that's the case, then Google's backbone might be much weaker than Page has been letting on, at least according to a new report from RJ Metrics.

This week, the data analytics firm provided Fast Company with exclusive new insights on Google+. The findings paint a very poor picture of the search giant's social network--a picture of waning interest, weak user engagement, and minimal social activity. Google calls the study flawed--we'll explain why in a second--and has boasted that more than 170 million people have "upgraded" to the network. RJ Metrics' report, on the other hand, is yet another indicator that Google+ might indeed just be a "virtual ghost town," as some have argued. Let's start with the findings. In a statement provided to Fast Company, a Google spokesperson challenged the claims made in RJM's report. In its report, RJM acknowledged that it only provided insight into "public-facing actions of Google+ users.

" With Its New Google+ iPhone App, Google Finally Gets It Right. Some people just love Google+ and others just hate the company’s efforts to create a social network and a social layer across all of its services. Google itself seems to be pretty happy with the results it is getting from Google+ so far – or at least that’s what the company is saying publicly. No matter your overall feelings about Google+, though, Google’s new native Google+ app for iPhone is worth a look, especially because it’s hopefully just a first glimpse at what more of Google’s mobile apps will look like in the near future.

So far, the Google+ mobile app was adequate but nothing to brag about for Google. For the most part, it worked (though it did crash at times) and gave you access to Google+’s most important features. The latest redesign, however, suddenly makes the app one of the more interesting social networking clients on the market today. Just compare the new Google+ app to something like Currents, Google’s once-hyped Flipboard competitor. Google+ reached 20 Million Unique Visitors, Facebook still tops with 171 Million Unique Visitors | It's all about tech.

Digg The recent report of unique visitor’s traffic from Compete shows great growth in all of the social media platforms. Much anticipated Google+ seems show fastest growth among the giants with 20 Million Unique Visitors on the url The biggest jump that any social media platform ever experienced was during last quarter of 2011. With only 3.1 Million in August 2011 to 13.4 Million in September 2011. That’s a more than 10 Million unique visitors hike. This raises more expectations with Google+, the Glue behind Google Services. Facebook, after much debate of underestimating Google+ as the smaller version of its supremacy, continues steadily. However, what we can analyze here is not a very good success in itself for Facebook. Facebook was actually lucky enough to generate a steady pace in the competition of Google+ as compared to Twitter who actually found a dip during that August 2011 period. The competition continues, what’s your poison?

Update 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Update 2: Google+ Gets Video Status Updates. Google+ just got a feature that takes a bite out of YouTube. Google+ users can now post video recordings as updates to their circles. In the video sharing menu, there's now a 'Record video' option that turns on the webcam. After recording, the video can be shared as an attachment to a post. This kind of personal broadcasting is something YouTube is known for, but now informal video updates can be shared straight to Google+ circles. The Google+ stream allows all kinds of in-your-face content, including animated GIFs and Google Music players, and now it adds impromptu video updates to the mix. These video status updates bypass YouTube and go straight to the stream. Would you post a video update to your circles?

Oh Great. Google+ Got A Built-In LOLcat Generator. Google+ dans le collimateur des autorités de la concurrence ? Et si Google+ était en fait un succès ? Passée l’euphorie des premiers jours, les analystes ont été nombreux à qualifier Google+ d’échec. Les utilisateurs se sont inscrits en masse… pour ne pas faire grand chose. Un réseau social que personne n’utilise, c’est forcément, un échec, non ? Tout dépend des objectifs que s’est fixé Google lorsqu’il a lancé le projet Google+. Si l’objectif était d’être numéro un sur les vidéos de chatons partagées, c’est raté. Mais le but n’était probablement pas là. De nombreux observateurs ont affirmé que Google+ était destiné à reprendre à Facebook du temps utilisateur, la seule métrique sur laquelle le site de Marc Zuckerberg dépasse Google pour l’instant. Mais que ferait Google de ce temps ? Un réseau social sous marin ? Depuis quelques mois, Google a lancé de nouvelles versions de la plupart de ses produits phares : Gmail, Reader, Youtube, News… Jusqu’à son moteur de recherche, qui a d’abord hérité d’une barre noire qui va bientôt être remplacée elle même par une nouvelle mouture.

Google+ Is Coming To Gmail & Contacts, Including An Automatically Updated Address Book. Been avoiding Google+? Too bad! Google announced today that Google+ is being deeply integrated into both Gmail and Google Contacts. Through a widget on the side of your Gmail screen, you’ll be able to see the most recent Google+ post from the person whose email you’re viewing, and you’ll be able to add them to your Google+ Circles right there. You’ll also be able to sort your email and your contact lists using the Google+ Circles you’ve created. But the absolute best part?

For any of your contacts who maintain a Google profile page on Google+, Google will automatically update your address book with their most recent contact information. Oh hey, look at that. I’m not saying that Google+ wasn’t interesting before – anyone who takes on Facebook at Google’s scale is certainly worth watching. Very few companies have been working on attacking the social address book with any real gusto, and the ones who do try to make sense of the thing, like Gist, for example, get acquired.

No more? Google+ Introduces Automatic Face Recognition To Photo Tagging (But It’s Completely Opt-In) No, Google is not launching super-creepy facial recognition, so put those pitchforks down. But it is introducing a new feature to Google+’s photo app, which now makes it a bit easier to quickly tag your friends. It’s called ‘Find My Face’, and while the name leads me to recall scenes in the classic Nic Cage/John Travolta film Face/Off, it’s a feature that plenty of users will find handy. It’s pretty straightforward: opt into Find My Face, and the next time one of your friends uploads a photo that you’re in, they’ll see your name as a suggested tag.

It’s very similar to the semi-automated facial tagging that Facebook launched earlier this year, though with one key difference: unlike Facebook’s feature, which automatically opted users in, Google is asking for explicit permission before it turns it on. Of course, the fact that the feature is opt-in means that fewer people are going to be using it. Google+ To Take On Foursquare With Upcoming “Check-in Offers” Feature. It looks like Google+ is adding a feature that will allow users to “check-in” via the Google+ mobile application in order to receive a time-sensitive deal or discount. This feature is mentioned in Google Places’s help documentation, but has not yet been made available to business owners using the Google Places service. Google check-ins have a confusing history, it has to be said. To be clear, the ability to check in via Google+ is not new. Google’s location-based social service Google Latitude launched checkins in February, prior to the launch of Google+.

And when Google+ arrived on mobile, it offered a check-in feature of its own, seemingly based on Latitude, which pulls up a list of nearby Google Places. Google Latitude also allows you to sync your Latitude check-ins with Google+, as Google explains here. Other documentation refers to check-in offers for Latitude users (link), but again, nothing that specifically says these offers will show up for users checking in on Google+. Whew! Participate in a Google+ Hangout Without an Android or iPhone. Google+’s greatest feature is Hangouts. It lets you have a multi-person video chat with up to 10 people. It is also very easy to use and, best of all, is free to use. But, what if do not have a iPhone, iPad or Android phone with a front facing camera? This is no longer a big problem because Google just added…A new extra for Hangouts with extras: make phone calls from inside a hangout The Google+ user starting the Hangout can’t use the Hangouts button on his or her default page.

Instead the person needs to visit the Google+ With Extras page found at: Once there, you and your ordinary landline or cell phone can be added to the Hangout if the initiator follows these instructions. 1. These outgoing calls are free for phone numbers in the U.S. or Canada. Via TechCrunch. [Infographie] Qui sont les adeptes de Google + ? Ages, genres, nationalités, revenus, activité… Flowtown a récemment publié une infographie synthétisant les dernières statistiques de Google +. On y apprend notamment que la plateforme est largement plébiscitée par les hommes (63%), contre seulement 37% de femmes. Parmi les autres chiffres clefs : La tranche d’âge la plus représentée sur la plateforme : les hommes de 24-25 ans.Sur 40M d’utilisateurs, seuls 17% seraient réellement actifs.La plateforme compte 5,3M de VU aux Etats-Unis. L’inde arrive en deuxième position avec 2,8M de VU.

La Grande Bretagne se positionne pour sa part sur la 3ème marche du podium avec 860 000 VU. La France n’apparaît pas dans le Top 7 du classement.61% des 100 premières marques américaines auraient une page sur Google +L’ouverture aux marques et aux entreprises a boosté le trafic outre-Atlantique. Ainsi, on comptait 6,8M de visites le 20 novembre 2011, contre seulement 5,1M le 12 octobre. Google+ Was Never a Facebook Competitor. Google+ Gets Its TV Commercial. La plateforme Google+ contre Facebook, ou l’enjeu des données personnelles pour la publicité online. Google+ intègre YouTube. Google+ Launches Brand Pages [updated] Is Google+ worth your time and effort? The Brand Pages Faceoff: Google+ vs. Facebook. 4 Excellent Examples of Creative Google+ Business Pages. La gestion multi-administrateurs sur les pages Google+ : pas avant 2012 !

Google+ lance les "Tendances" (Trends) Google Plus Installs Photo Face Recognition.