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Google Play. Google introduit l'écriture manuscrite sur le mobile. Vendredi 27 juillet Moteurs de recherche - 27 juillet 2012 :: 09:00 :: Par Camille Voilà une nouvelle qui devrait plaire à ceux qui n’aiment pas utiliser le clavier virtuel pour taper une requête Google.

Google introduit l'écriture manuscrite sur le mobile

Le moteur de recherche vient en effet d’introduire une nouvelle fonctionnalité sur le mobile : l’écriture manuscrite. Concrètement, la fonction permet ni plus ni moins d’écrire sa requête Google à la main, en dessinant les lettres une par une avec les doigts. Elle est désactivée par défaut mais il est possible de l’activer facilement. Google Now Comes Online (Well, Its Homepage Does) Google Now, the smart personal search assistant announced yesterday at Google I/O, has now come online.

Google Now Comes Online (Well, Its Homepage Does)

Well, the landing page for the service has come online, that is. The new site introduces the key aspects to Google Now, which arrives in Google’s next mobile operating system, Android 4.1 (aka Jelly Bean), including its ability to track flights, keep an eye on traffic and your calendar, check sports scores and weather, see suggested places nearby, and more.

Google mobile hardware

CHART OF THE DAY: Android Is Totally Blowing Away The Competition. Continue to Business Insider » You will be redirected in seconds. Google Improves App Advertising With New Mobile App Extension. Google is announcing some new search advertising features designed to help advertisers drive more app downloads, and to track those downloads.

Google Improves App Advertising With New Mobile App Extension

The first feature, an Ad Extension, seems aimed at companies who have both a standard Web presence and an app to promote. Should a company like GrubHub (which was part of the beta test) advertise for its website or its app?