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How Google's Money-Making Machine, AdWords, Actually Works. Google makes 97% of its revenue from advertising.

How Google's Money-Making Machine, AdWords, Actually Works

The majority of that comes from search advertising, which Google sells in a product called AdWords. The basics of AdWords are pretty easy to understand. 10 New Google Analytics Features You Need to Start Using. Rachael Gerson spearheads the Analytics division at SEER Interactive.

10 New Google Analytics Features You Need to Start Using

Follow her on Twitter @rachaelgerson. Over the past eight months, Google has steadily released one revolutionary new feature after another. On March 17, the company announced a new version of Google Analytics. Up until this point, users could decide whether they preferred to stick with the old interface or switch to the new one. However, Google recently announced that the old version of GA will be turned off in January 2012. LeWeb'11 : Google va étendre le champ d'action de Google Analytics à tous les réseaux sociaux.