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High-speed rail in China. High-speed rail (HSR) trains in China High-speed rail (HSR) in China may refer to any commercial train service in China with an average speed of 200 km/h (124 mph) or higher. By that measure, China has the world's longest HSR network with over 10,000 km (6,200 mi) of routes in service as of December 2012,[1] including the world's longest line, the 2,298 km (1,428 mi) Beijing–Guangzhou High-Speed Railway.[2] Since high-speed rail service in China was introduced on April 18, 2007, daily ridership has grown from 237,000 in 2007[3] to 1.33 million in 2012,[4] making the Chinese high-speed rail network the most heavily used in the world.[5][6] China's high speed rail network consists of upgraded conventional railways, newly built high-speed passenger designated lines (PDLs), and the world's first high-speed commercial magnetic levitation (maglev) line.

History[edit] In the early 1990s, diesel-powered locomotives in China could attain a maximum speed of 120 km/h (75 mph) on passenger trains. Chemin de fer Billetterie et réservation système de développement · la construction du réseau de train documentaire. 扭转这种局面势在必行,铁道部高层领导十分关注这一问题的解决。 1993年,在铁道部李建文高级工程师的主持下,北方交通大学项源金教授、中国铁道科学研究院刘春煌研究员、铁道部运输局詹子宁处长等一批有识之士根据计算机网络技术和我国铁路客运发展的特点和趋势,提出要想从根本上解决我国铁路客票发售中存在的问题,必须依靠科技进步,建立一个覆盖全国铁路的计算机售票网络,实现铁路客票管理和发售工作现代化,达到国际先进水平,从而方便旅客购票,提高铁路服务质量和市场竞争力。 他们在深入调查研究和广泛开展国际交流的基础上,经充分论证,制定了适合我国国情和路情的铁路客票及发售和预订系统的总体规划,为该系统建设打下了坚实的基础。 其实,早在20世纪70年代,路内很多单位就开始了计算机售票的研究,并在上海站和广深线试验,但由于中国铁路客票发售的特殊复杂性和技术条件所限,一直未能大面积推广。 虽然国外和其它票务系统有着成功的经验,但我国铁路有客运站5000多个,日开行旅客列车2000多列,每天发售客票250-300万张,春运期间最高日发送量高达400多万张。 可以说,我国铁路客票系统具有覆盖面广、交易量大、实时性强、席位精确管理、安全可靠性要求高、系统复杂程度高等特点,是任何一个国家的铁路售票系统或其它行业系统无法比拟的。

要开发建设规模如此庞大、技术如此复杂的系统,其难度可想而知。 为了方便旅客,为了发展自身,1996年,铁道部部长办公会议作出决定,改革传统的售票方式,依靠科技进步,尽快建成具有中国特色和自主知识产权的铁路客票发售和预订系统,以此为突破口,改变铁路客票发售和运营管理的落后面貌。 大胆开拓创新,积极攻难克坚,总体组向世人捧出了一个符合国情和路情、具有国际领先水平的三级管理售票网。 铁路客票发售和预订系统将计算机技术和网络通信技术结合起来,构成了一个覆盖全国铁路的大型广域网实时交易系统,包含了大量技术难度大的高科技系统集成和研究开发工作,是一个技术复杂、具有学术研究价值的课题,又是一个适应市场、服务社会的大型工程项目。 “创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力”。 按照铁道部确定的长、短期目标,总体组采取“统一规划,联合攻关,自下而上,分步实施,分期见效,滚动发展”的推进策略,使系统的开发和推进扎实、有序、有效。 科技成果转化为生产力是科技工作者的愿望和奋斗目标。 Ticketing and Reservation System. The login screen of TRS v5.0. The main screen of TRS v5.0. Ticketing and Reservation System (TRS, 铁路客票发售和预订系统) is software used for rail ticketing in China Railways. The first release was in 1996. As of December 2009, the latest version in use is version 5.2. It was named SMART before (excluding) version 4.0. Train travel in China - a beginner's guide. Travelling by train in China... China has one of the biggest and busiest rail networks in the world, and trains link almost every town & city.

Chinese trains are a safe, comfortable & cheap way to travel around China, and a Chinese train journey is an experience in itself, a total contrast with environmentally-unfriendly internal flights. This page will help you understand & plan train travel in China, & arrange your train tickets. On this page you'll find: Train schedules & fares for popular routes... International trains & ferries to/from China... Beijing to Ulan Bator & Moscow by Trans-Siberian railway; Onward travel to Paris & London Beijing to Hanoi (Vietnam) by train; Onwards to Saigon; Onwards to Phnom Penh & Bangkok Beijing to Japan by ferry Beijing to South Korea by ferry Beijing to North Korea by train Hong Kong to Hanoi (Vietnam) Nanning to Hanoi (Vietnam) by train Kunming to Hanoi (Vietnam) by bus & train Lhasa to Kathmandu by bus & onwards to to Delhi How to buy tickets Travel insurance.

People’s Republic of China Ministry of Railways Success Story: Data Integration, Data Warehousing, Archived Products, Business Continuity, Database Management, Modeling & Development, Financial Services Solutions Internet Applications, Information Managem. "The successful implementation of the ticket system has greatly facilitated the reform of the railway passenger service in terms of productivity and customer relationships, enhancing its competitive edge, boosting efficiency and reducing workload.

" Zhan ZiningSection ChiefMinistry of Railways With more than 72,000 km of railway, China has one of the largest railway transport networks in the world. When the country's Ministry of Railways undertook the monumental task of modernizing its paper-based ticketing system, it chose Sybase. Business Advantage The successful implementation of China's ticket system has greatly facilitated the reform of the railway passenger service in terms of productivity and customer relationships, enhancing its competitive edge, boosting efficiency and reducing workload.

Key Benefits Sybase Technology Industry Transportation/Logistics Download the full success story in PDF format. A Monumental Challenge Customer service is central to China's railway. People’s Republic of China Ministry of Railways Success Story: Data Integration, Data Warehousing, Archived Products, Business Continuity, Database Management, Modeling & Development, Financial Services Solutions Internet Applications, Information Managem.

Services d'information | Services voyageurs | Centre de service à la clientèle des chemins de fer. Centre de service à la clientèle des chemins de fer. Services aux passagers | Centre de service à la clientèle des chemins de fer. Case Study: Scaling Reservations for the World’s Largest Train System, China Railways Corporation. The biggest annual movement of humans on the planet happens around the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. According to China Daily, there are 34.88 million trips by air, 235 million trips by rail, and 2.85 billion road trips during the peak of China’s Spring Festival holiday period. Historically, rail travel has meant long lines and waits, and China Railways Corporation (CRC) began to sell tickets online to offer a more convenient method than purchases at stations, ticket offices, or by phone.

With increased use and access to the reservation system, the travel season placed enough pressure on China Railway Corporation’s rail reservation systems to break their legacy RDBMS, warranting a new project to improve their online performance and scalability. These holiday travel periods, like Spring Festival, pressure the system even further. During spikes, the site becomes one of the most popular websites in China. One of the first steps taken by Dr. According to Dr.

Dr. Software Reqs Spec | Chinese Railway Passenger Reservation System (CSCI 3321, Group One) Project. Fare of passenger trains in China. The China Railways use a single fare structure across the country. The ticket price is established by the rate-making distance (运价里程), which usually equals to the actual rail distance. CRH trains[edit] The CRH trains' fare was introduced on April 18, 2007.

Seat[edit] There are three types of seats on CRH trains: deluxe, first, and second; The deluxe-class only found on CRH3C and CRH380 trains. 200–250 km/h trains Second class: ¥0.2805/km × 1.1 × rate-making distance + InsuranceFirst class: ¥0.2805/km × 1.1 × 1.2 × rate-making distance + InsuranceInsurance (required): ¥0.05861/km × rate-making distance × 0.02 Some CRH trains run on conventional low-speed tracks have special discount.

Sleeper[edit] There are two types of sleepers on CRH trains: normal sleeper or deluxe sleeper; The deluxe-class only found on CRH1E trains. The fare of a sleeper CRH train follows the formula: Conventional trains[edit] For conventional trains, the fare basis has changed several times in history. Speed-up ticket. Passenger rail transport in China. Passenger trains in Shanghai Passenger rail transport is one of the principal means of transport in the People's Republic of China, with rail passenger traffic exceeding 1.86 billion railway trips in 2011.[1] It is operated by the China Railway Corporation(CR). The Spring Festival Travel Season is the peak railway travel season of the year. China is currently redeveloping its entire railway network to produce a modern high-speed network.

China is on course to complete its 18,000 km national high-speed rail network by 2015.[2] Passenger train classes and route identifiers[edit] Ticket offices usually have display board showing availability of tickets on various trains in various classes, for a few days ahead. Every train route has an identification number of two to five characters arranged by the Ministry of Railways. Trains are classified as up trains or down trains. Down trains use odd numbers, while up trains use even numbers. Classes[edit] G ("Gaosu"; High Speed EMU) T ("Tekuai"; Express) Bureau national des chemins de fer. 2013年,铁路管理体制政企分开改革有序推进,铁路部门以改革为动力,深入推进安全风险管理、运输组织改革、铁路基本建设,维护铁路安全稳定,各方面工作都取得了新成绩。 一、运输生产 旅客运输。 全国铁路旅客发送量完成21.06亿人,比上年增加2.04亿人、增长10.8%。

其中,国家铁路20.75亿人,增长10.7%;非控股合资铁路0.24亿人,增长15.0%;地方铁路0.07亿人,增长18.4%。 货物运输。 全国铁路货物发送量完成39.61亿吨,比上年增加0.66亿吨、增长1.7%。 全国铁路行包发送量完成598万吨,比上年减少340万吨、下降36.2%。 重点运输。 换算周转量。 运输收入。 运输效率。 运输安全。 服务质量。 二、铁路建设 铁路固定资产投资(含基本建设、更新改造和机车车辆购置)完成6657.45亿元。 基本建设。 全年共投产新线5586公里,其中高速铁路1672公里,津秦、西宝、宁杭、盘营、杭甬等高铁开通运营;投产复线4180公里、电气化铁路4810公里。 更新改造。 路网规模。 移动装备。 合资建路。 三、科技创新 铁路安全技术创新。 重点技术攻关。 重大综合试验。 重要技术标准制定。 知识产权及获奖成果。 四、劳动效率 劳动用工。 劳动生产率。 五、节能减排 综合能耗。 主要污染物排放量。 沿线绿化。 注:1.除注明外,国家铁路含控股合资铁路。 2.客货发送量、客货周转量为确报数,其余数据均为速报数。 3.各项统计数据均不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾省。 4.除注明外,比上年为同口径。

China High Speed Train Development and Investment. Construction on Qinghuangdao-Shenyang Passenger Railway, China's first high speed rail – defined in the country as systems of rolling stock which regularly operate at or above 200km/hour – began in 1999. Since then the total length of high speed rail tracks increased to almost 10,000km by the end of 2011. HIGH SPEED RAIL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH 2020China has plans to build and is in the process of building 17,000km of high speed railroad for passenger transport through 2015. By the end of 2012, the nation plans to run a high speed rail network of 42 lines with a total length of 13,000km, including four major east-west lines and four major north-south lines. By the end of 2020, the length is expected to hit 50,000km. INVESTMENT IN HIGH SPEED RAIL DEVELOPMENTTotal investment in China's railroads will add up to RMB3.5 trillion between 2011 and 2015, up from the RMB2.2 trillion made during the previous five-year period, according to the latest plan on railway development.

High-speed rail in China. High-speed rail (HSR) trains in China High-speed rail (HSR) in China may refer to any commercial train service in China with an average speed of 200 km/h (124 mph) or higher. By that measure, China has the world's longest HSR network with over 10,000 km (6,200 mi) of routes in service as of December 2012,[1] including the world's longest line, the 2,298 km (1,428 mi) Beijing–Guangzhou High-Speed Railway.[2] Since high-speed rail service in China was introduced on April 18, 2007, daily ridership has grown from 237,000 in 2007[3] to 1.33 million in 2012,[4] making the Chinese high-speed rail network the most heavily used in the world.[5][6] China's high-speed rail network consists of upgraded conventional railways, newly built high-speed passenger designated lines (PDLs), and the world's first high-speed commercial magnetic levitation (maglev) line.

History[edit] In the early 1990s, diesel-powered locomotives in China could attain a maximum speed of 120 km/h (75 mph) on passenger trains. Rail transport in China. China's railways are among the the busiest in the world. In 2006, they carried a quarter of the world's rail traffic volume on only 6 percent of the world's tracks.[5] In 2013, railways in China delivered 2.106 billion passenger trips, generating 1,059.56 billion passenger-kilometers and carried 3.967 billion tons of freight, generating 2,917.4 billion cargo tons-kilometers.[1] The railway network has been expanding rapidly in recent years.

Driven by need to increase freight capacity, the country budgeted $105.9 billion for railway investment in 2013, and has a long term plan to expand the network to 272,000 km by 2050.[6] History[edit] Qing Dynasty (1876–1911)[edit] The opening of the short-lived Woosung Road, the first railway in China, between Shanghai and Wusong in 1876. The first railway to be built in China was the Woosung Railway in 1876, which was a 9¼-mile railway from Shanghai to Woosung (modern Shanghai's Baoshan District). By 1911, there were around 9,000 km of tracks in China. China Railway Corporation. China Railways operates rail commuter and freight transport via several smaller companies. China Railways previously had its own police force and court system, which was unique among the world's railways.

Bureaux and companies[edit] There are 16 bureaux and 5 companies under China Railway. As of 2008, approximately 2 million people work in China Railway. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] (Chinese) China Railway Corporation Official Website. MTR Corporation. MTR Corporation Limited is a company listed on the Hong Kong Exchange and Hang Seng Index. MTR runs the Hong Kong MTR metro system, and is also a major property developer and landlord in Hong Kong. It also invests in railways in different parts in the world, and has obtained contracts to operate rapid-transit systems in London, Stockholm, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Melbourne. History of the Corporation[edit] The Mass Transit Railway Corporation (Chinese: 地下鐵路公司) was established in 1975 as a government-owned statutory corporation to build and operate a mass transit railway system to meet Hong Kong's public transport needs.

On 2 December 2007, the company started running the original KCR railway system under a concession agreement with the Hong Kong Government in what was known as the MTRCL-KCRC merger. Privatisation[edit] Operations by market[edit] Hong Kong[edit] Rail services[edit] Mass Transit Railway (MTR) is the rapid transit railway system in Hong Kong.

MTR-KCR merger[edit]