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Thomas Gehrmann

Thomas Gehrmann is a Chiropractor in Colorado Springs and helps in Chiropractic Adjustments.

Chiropractor Tips to Keep your Bones Healthy. Bones are essential for the body as it helps protects the body organs and muscles while providing structure and storage of calcium.

Chiropractor Tips to Keep your Bones Healthy

While growing up, our bones go through metabolism where they break down old bones and grow new ones faster to increase their mass. As we grow older, the bone mass reaches its peak and begins to lose more bone mass than it gains. Therefore, building a strong bone while growing up is very essential as it helps keep your bones healthy and protected. Many people develop osteoporosis early in life, a bone condition where the body produces little bone, or losses many bones.

This can result in a weak and brittle bone that often breaks from a fall or bumps because of an unhealthy lifestyle. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. According to Chiropractor — Thomas Gehrmann from Colorado Springs, leg cramps are uncontrolled spasms in the muscles of the leg that may be painful.

Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor

They typically occur in the calf muscles, though they may also appear in the thighs or feet. Much of the time, simple stretches may help ease the cramped muscles. There are also other treatments and prevention methods to try. Anyone dealing with leg cramps regularly should see a doctor for a full diagnosis. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. Causes and Treatment of Muscle Strain. According to Chiropractor – Thomas Gehrmann, a muscle strain occurs when you overstretch the muscle and it becomes damaged or torn.

Causes and Treatment of Muscle Strain

This often happens when the muscle is stretched beyond its limit or forced to contract during your normal daily activities, lifting of heavyweight, sports exercise, among others. In mild cases, the muscle fibers are stretched or torn partially and can be reversed by resting or doing some specific exercise. In severe cases, the muscle fibers and tendons surrounding the muscle are completely torn and unable to function optimally. This often leads to pain, muscle weakness, muscle swelling, bleeding, bruising, and damage to small blood tissues which need immediate medical treatment. Muscle strain can take place anywhere in the body however, it is common in the lower back, hamstring, neck, and shoulders.

Muscle Strain Grades A muscle strain is graded based on its severity and the type of treatment needed says Thomas Gehrmann. Grade 1: Grade 2: Grade 3: Hands Exercises for People with Arthritis – Thomas Gehrmann's Chiropractic Blogs. According to Thomas Gehrmann – Chiropractor, arthritis can be a very painful condition and is particularly difficult to manage, but certain exercises can help reduce pain and stiffness.

Hands Exercises for People with Arthritis – Thomas Gehrmann's Chiropractic Blogs

Here are some exercises for hand arthritis recommended by Thomas Gehrmann: 1. Hand Clench Begin by straightening the fingers out.Slowly bend the hand into a fist.Keep the thumb on the outside of the hand.Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then repeat says Thomas Gehrmann.Do around 10 reps once per day. When you should see a Chiropractor by Thomas Gehrmann. Don’t wait for the pain to become unmanageable, a chiropractor can help prevent something from going wrong in the first place. 1.

When you should see a Chiropractor by Thomas Gehrmann

Headaches and Migraines Chronic headaches and migraines are commonly caused by muscle tension in the neck says Thomas Gehrmann. The tension in the muscles and inflammation of the joints can cause headaches that can be very painful. A chiropractor can manipulate your spine, which can reduce some of the spinal tension, which ultimately would reduce the tension in the head. How to Handle Back Pain. Learn How to Handle Back Pain. According to Thomas Gehrmann, a licensed chiropractor, mostly everyone experience back pain at some point in their lives.

Learn How to Handle Back Pain

While some are triggered by strenuous activity, others may be due to diseases. Early treatment of back can prevent it from becoming a chronic problem which might lead to surgery or medications. Sometimes, the cause of back pain is difficult to spot and if your doctor has considered all his diagnosis options with no possible result, it is time to visit a chiropractor. A health care professional helps to relieve pain in the muscle and joint through manual adjustment and spinal manipulation.

Here, Thomas Gehrmann walks you through how you can handle back pain without the need for surgery. 1. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor - Chiropracteur - 25 photos. Prevent Pain When Working from Home - Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. Chiropractic for Spinal Health. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. Chiropractic Session for Better Sleep. Sleep Well Using Chiropractic Care. Sleep Well using Chiropractic Care.

Considering that we spend a third of your lives sleeping or attempting to do so, sleeping is a crucial aspect of human lives and one we cannot do away with.

Sleep Well using Chiropractic Care

We need sleep to function properly during our waking hours. It is a time in which processing, strengthening, and healing take place, especially when lives got busy and we have been up and about. This means when we don’t get enough sleep, our health and well-being are at stake; heart diseases, kidney disease, stroke, and many more. Chiropractic: In Depth. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Springs. Osteoarthritis treatment using chiropractic.

Chiropractic Care for Osteoarthritis. Chiropractic Care for Primary Osteoarthritis. According to chiropractor – Thomas Gehrmann, one of the most common forms of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is a degenerative joint disease.

Chiropractic Care for Primary Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis affects 10% of the world population which are mostly women and usually above 50years of age. It is a progressive disease that leads to a change in the structure and functionality of the bone, joint capsule, joint cartilage, and the surrounding tissues. First Snowfall in Gardens of Gods Park Photography by Thomas Gehrmann. Applying tech in chiropractic treatment. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado. Tips for Working from Home. According to Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor from Colorado Springs, transitioning from a normal working environment, a working from home setting can be very challenging.

Tips for Working from Home

With no gym time, lack of working in an ergonomic environment closed schools, and kids to take care of, bundles of attractive snacks arranged in the kitchen, no social stimulation. All these can disrupt any worker’s mental health. Although the idea of leaving your bed and working in your pajamas sounds great, it causes more harm than good to your mental health’ says Thomas Gehmann. Hence, here are tips to stay healthy during this lockdown.

Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. Chiropractor Tips While Working from Home. As the world battles with the spread of coronavirus and countries closing their borders, while incorporating compulsive stay-at-home orders.

Chiropractor Tips While Working from Home

Millions of people all over the world are working from home in this crisis. Transitioning from a normal working environment, a working from home setting can be very challenging. With no gym time, lack of working in an ergonomic environment closed schools, and kids to take care of, bundles of attractive snacks arranged in the kitchen, no social stimulation. All these can disrupt any worker’s mental health. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Springs Chiropractor. Relieve Chronic Pain Naturally.

Manage Chronic Pain without Painkillers. Learn how to manage chronic pain effectively without the need for painkillers from Thomas Gehrmann. Painkillers have been the first go-to of anyone experiencing chronic pains today. But what if you manage these pains without the need of gulping those pills down the throat. From headaches to backaches, to pain gotten during an accident’s pains, chronic pains are diverse, and they become chronic when they last for three months.

As much as the pains are of different types, managing it comes with different options as well. Combining these options can thus produce a good result in the long run and help in the relief of the pain. Chiropractic Care in Colorado Springs. Saatchiart. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. Deal with Hip Pain. Solution for Hip Pain.

Causes and Treatment for Hip Pain and How to Deal with it? Although commonly found in adults and females, hip pain is not limited to age or sex. From temporary pain to chronic ones like cartilage breakdown, hip pain treatments can be short term or long-standing. However, having pain in any part of the body either severe or mild is not something to ignore. Technology Improves Musculoskeletal Health. Use of Technology in Chiropractic. How Technology can Improve Musculoskeletal Health? Technology is already fusing into society. From the effect on our daily lives to the educational sector to businesses to health.

There is simply no means of escape. According to Thomas Gehrmann, chiropractic treatment can be said to be the diagnosis and manual treatment of the joints that are not properly in alignment. Anyway, chiropractic treatment has surpassed the manual (manipulative treatment), technology has found its way through. There have been more advanced innovations helping specialists with information’s to take care of the patient’s Musculoskeletal Health. Exercises for Shoulder Mobility. Improve Your Shoulder Mobility - Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor - Medium. The big, muscular shoulder is the new sexy in the fitness world, and this can be the reason why fitness enthusiasts involved in the bench press, shoulder press, go back the following day for more shoulder workout, then turn it into a routine.

If this is you, you might probably be neglecting the important part- shoulder mobility. How to Improve Your Shoulder Mobility - Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. The big, muscular shoulder is the new sexy in the fitness world, and this can be the reason why fitness enthusiasts involved in the bench press, shoulder press, go back the following day for more shoulder workout, then turn it into a routine. If this is you, you might probably be neglecting the important part- shoulder mobility. Until pains are growing from mild to severe, an inability to stretch, move or function properly, then the need to work shoulder mobility arises. Don’t wait till all these happen, shoulder mobility is part of what you need for proper functioning and it is all part of that ‘sexy shoulder’.

Here is what Thomas Gehrmann, a reputable chiropractor in Colorado Springs, has to say about your shoulder mobility and the ways to get it right. Why shoulder mobility is important? The shoulder, being the greatest and the most mobile human joints of the body are also the most injured part. The shoulder performs different functions. 4 Easy Ways to Relief Headache using Tips from Chiropractor. YouTube. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Springs Chiropractor. Best Physical Activities for Elderly Parents - Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Springs Chiropractor - Medium. So your parents are getting older, it doesn’t mean a full stop to life. Exercises for Joint Mobility.

YouTube. How to Improve Joint Mobility. Adequate joint mobility allow us to perform a daily activities like jumping or running and also reduced chances of stiffness, aches, and even arthritis. If you are involving in exercises but still cannot reach the desired exercise goal, have control over the range of motion or you get injured quite easily. Chances are, you are more focused on flexibility than mobility.

Thomas Gehrmann-, an experienced chiropractor since the year 1999 explained that the joint has no direct supply of blood, unlike the muscles. Chiropractic Care in Colorado Springs. Chiropractic Care Role in Sports Performance. Chiropractic Care Improves Sports Performance. Chiropractic Care Benefits in Sports Performance. Best Foot Exercises for Back Pain Relief. Back Pain Relief Using Foot Exercises. 5 Effective Foot Exercises for Back Pain Relief. Back pain is a quite frequent infirmity which influences all age span. Handle Pain Using Stretching Exercises.

Why Chiropractor Recommends Stretching Exercises Everyday? “Imagine waking up one morning with a frozen shoulder where you couldn’t move your upper arm more than a few inches in any direction. Chiropractic Treatment Benefits That You Didn't Know. Most people think chiropractic treatment is only helpful in healing aching backs. No doubt chiropractic most often used for treating complaints of the back and neck, but it works on all bones and joints of the body.

These including the arms, legs and jaw, even symptoms produced by bones in the ears can also treat by chiropractic. Recovery Using Chiropractic After Car Accident. “Following a car accident, the bones of the spine may shift out of their original position or lose their normal motion, in what’s called vertebral subluxation complex,” says Colorado Springs’ chiropractor Thomas Gehrmann. This condition is characterized by a set of signs and symptoms that affect the spinal column. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor - Chiropracteur - Colorado Springs - 25 photos. Chiropractor in Colorado Springs. Thomas Gehrmann (@ThomasGehrmann_) Chiropractor in Colorado Springs. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Springs Chiropractor - About Us. Top tips to recover from Osteoarthritis by Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. How to treat Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Physical health issues are increasing nowadays and no doubt it all because of unhealthy habits.

Most people often neglect their diet and physical activities, which result in many different issues and osteoarthritis is one of them. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, affects individuals of almost all ages. It mostly found in older people above 65 years of age, especially in women. Osteoarthritis is a kind of arthritis that damage the cartilage that mainly protects the joints from friction and constant wear and tear.

Saatchiart. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Chiropractor. Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy. Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy. Need of Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy – Thomas Gehrmann's Chiropractic Blogs. Drug Addiction Recovery using Chiropractic. Chiropractic Benefits in Drug Addiction Recovery. Drug Addiction Recovery with the help of Chiropractic Care. Addiction to something like drugs is a type of disease that can impact the physical, spiritual and psychological health of a person. Drug Addiction has become a serious threat and a concerning issue facing our country. It can make a person to suffer from an abnormal craving for drugs or similar other fatal things. While looking for its remedies, we come across a treatment called Chiropractic care. This is a natural phenomenon dealing with addiction recovery treatment. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor.

Ways to Keep Neck pain away – Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor. Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor on Behance. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Springs. Thomas Gehrmann Colorado Springs. Tips to Manage and Prevent Back Pain.