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Neurosoup: Entheogens, Drugs, Consciousness Exploration, Spirituality. Trippin‬‏ Crazy man on acid‬‏ Trippy man on acid‬‏ Ginger on ecstasy‬‏ Lsd fight‬‏ The effects of L.S.D (5 people trippin balls)‬‏ The Effects of N2O - Laughing Gas‬‏ Tripping balls‬‏ Tripping on shrooms‬‏ My Friends & I Tripping on 'Shrooms‬‏ Tripping on shrooms‬‏ Tripping on shrooms‬‏ Tripping on shrooms 2‬‏ Tripping on shrooms 3‬‏ Trippin on Salvia‬‏ A few minutes of me on Shrooms.‬‏ Trippin' On Mushrooms‬‏ Six questions Before, and after eating Shrooms‬‏

Guy hallucinating in elevator‬‏ My brother tripping on shrooms‬‏ Brother tripping on shrooms, part 3‬‏