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Sheldon? Comic Strip: Daily Webcomic by Dave Kellett. Say Jar Jar Binks is an Abomination. Say It! - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews. Dreams_and_reality. 3077. 2010-07-23-d6e4a93.png (PNG Image, 800x887 pixels) - Scaled (81%) Fly,cute,illustration,cartoon,graphics,cool-81cce16372b5b79bf8d3d4ada7f66fce_h.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x500 pixels) 03-06-2006.jpg (JPEG Image, 450x798 pixels) - Scaled (89%) Videogame Characters Solve Real World Problems. “É a internet!” Morgan Freeman. Um. . .nuh huh? I’m wasn’t terribly wrapped up in this, but this idea intrigues me: why would I be afraid of religious people? There is quite literally nothing about religious people that scares me. I mean, certainly I’m afraid of the man with the gun pointed at me, or the hand on the detonator, but only in that destructive capacity- regardless of motive, unless the motive contains the solution to dissolving the threat. I don’t care what other people believe, at least, not past the requirements of a discussion, or general respect.

Sorry for the word vomit, but I’m trying to cover all the bases here. I suppose you could be claiming that I fear religious people because of a threat to my own philosophy? Granted, it would be scary if a theocracy sprang up, and everyone were forced to follow the tenets of whichever Religion won out, but I honestly don’t think that will happen, mostly because I honestly don’t take the idea seriously- another example of my lack of fear. The Soldier. Location of God.jpg (JPEG Image, 320x382 pixels) The Saturday Strip - Week 19. 4jgxS.jpg (JPEG Image, 2048x1552 pixels) 15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee. Chain Bear - Not Affiliated with Bear-Baiters.

2010-01-20-snips24.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x1028 pixels) - Scaled (6. Steve Jobs drops the big bomb [COMIC] | Fredo and Pidjin. The We. Note: we released this episode in January 2010, the day before the first ever iPad was shown to the world. It’s also available in: Sinfest. World Famous Design Junkies » emofriends.