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Thiru Sundaresan

I was a General Practitioner switched to Medical IT software developments in the last 10 years. My medical background skills helped me to develop an affordable case management system for Medical Experts in the UK and currently in the path to launching the Orbis Health APP. Orbis is exciting and it brings all health professionals under one roof and gives autonomy to patients and doctors to work freely from anyplace and at ay time.

Find a Doctor: Effective Tips to Get Started – Dr. Thiru Sundaresan. There are so many doctors’ offices and so many types, finding one can be a bit stressful.

Find a Doctor: Effective Tips to Get Started – Dr. Thiru Sundaresan

Benefits of Consulting a Doctor Online. This is Covid-19 time and it became more useful to consult doctors online.

Benefits of Consulting a Doctor Online

The Internet is a big, open, and mostly free, a library for any and every questions people have. Apart from questions about relationships, the most common questions are about disease symptoms, ailments, and their cures. So it only makes sense for the medical world to create a place for itself in the world of the internet. There are numerous Doctors’ forums where people can post questions, which are answered by Doctors like Thirumurugan Sundaresan.

Telemedicine — A New Direction in Healthcare – Thirumurugan Sundaresan. What is telemedicine?

Telemedicine — A New Direction in Healthcare – Thirumurugan Sundaresan

Telemedicine refers to the use of information technology and telecommunication for the provision of medical care. It involves the transfer of medical information over the phone or the internet with the intention of providing consulting and in some cases remote examination of patients or medical procedures. The complexity of telemedicine could vary from as simple as talking over a telephone with your colleague to using satellite video-conferencing for a real-time assessment of medical treatment options across countries.

What Is Telemedicine?. Telemedicine is a useful way of doing… Telemedicine is a useful way of doing healthcare in this Covid-19 time.

What Is Telemedicine?. Telemedicine is a useful way of doing…

Thousands are starting to flock to it and millions are starting to ask about it. This is a good way in regards to getting quick medical assistance at a very affordable rate. Telemedicine is defined on as “the practice of medicine when the doctor and patient are widely separated using two-way voice and/or visual communication.” This new way of treating patients is important for many reasons. Healthcare Software Plays a Major Role in Running Hospitals. Health is one of the most rejoiced blessings of Almighty that humankind enjoys.

Healthcare Software Plays a Major Role in Running Hospitals

A healthy person may not be wealthy. With the ever-advancing time, advanced the technology developed by humans and that too at a rate of manifolds. 15 years ago no one had even imagined operating his cellphone by touching its screen but now almost all the phones use touch interface and some even don’t need a physical touch to get instructions. That’s a fine example of technological advancement in daily lives but apart from that, the smart human mind has developed software to perform extraordinary tasks at the snap of fingers. Hefty tasks with extensive procedures are now possible to be done at a few clicks of the mouse. Tips to Choose the Right Healthcare Software Solutions – Thirumurugan Sundaresan. The trend to integrate software solutions in the healthcare industry is in traction thanks to the innumerable benefits of an automated practice management system in place.

Tips to Choose the Right Healthcare Software Solutions – Thirumurugan Sundaresan

There are a certain crucial factors that need to be considered before narrowing down on the purchase of a Healthcare IT solution. It is best to read about the various software solutions available and decide according to your needs. Practice management solutions. Healthcare Software Solutions. Technological advancements have allowed us to gather, process, and apply information faster than ever before.

Healthcare Software Solutions

The development of advanced healthcare software solutions has allowed the industry to turn spreadsheets and raw data into actionable information that has not only benefitted the organizations but the patients as well. These software solutions are utilized by both small and large healthcare providers streamlining incident reports, patient feedback, infection surveillance, and claims management. Technology has only recently allowed the secure sharing of this data to improve processes, so one can understand how these efficiency improvements may have taken until now to identify! Healthcare IT Solutions - Multiple Advantages – Thirumurugan Sundaresan. The healthcare industry is under rapid transformation, the old belief that technology has nothing to do in the healthcare industry is dying.

Healthcare IT Solutions - Multiple Advantages – Thirumurugan Sundaresan

Like any other field, information technology has also found its application in the healthcare industry. Healthcare IT solutions are providing multiple benefits by not only speeding up the process but always by improving quality of service and patient safety. IT is often believed that healthcare IT solutions are mainly for the benefit of healthcare professionals and hospitals. Healthcare IT systems only save time, money, and ultimately add to the “returns” of the practice.

However, the truth is something different, healthcare IT systems are equally beneficial to the patients as well. Importance of Technology in the Health Care Industry. The advent of technology has revolutionized the health care industry, as the changes have certainly improved medicine, science, and life.

Importance of Technology in the Health Care Industry

This article talks about the importance of technology in health care, so read on to know what changes transpired that makes modern technology essential. Thirumurugan Sundaresan is working as a Digital healthcare technician who is working on a platform, which would connect doctors and patients across the globe to provide healthcare anytime and from anyplace. There is no doubt that the introduction of modern technology into science and medicine has helped improved the quality of medications, treatment, and increase the chance of people surviving from the different diseases that afflict man. Electronic Health Records - "Meaningful Use" for the Good of Life.

Health Information technology is the secure exchange of electronic health records between health care professionals, insurance providers, patients, and the government.

Electronic Health Records - "Meaningful Use" for the Good of Life

Professionals like Thirumurugan Sundaresan are working on a platform, which would connect doctors and patients across the globe to provide healthcare anytime and from anyplace. Digital health technology has given a new life to our medical field. A live example is that during Covid-19 we can see the IT applications. Then, when providers want to access the medical records they have to be mailed, faxed, or physically brought to the appointment by the patient. Furthermore, handwritten notes and prescriptions can have poor legibility, making them difficult to read. The Main Advantages of using Health IT include: Decrease paperwork Access patients medical records instantly Increase accuracy of Patients Medical Information More efficient system Reduce Cost In addition, the technology can increase public health by: Health: Team Up With Technology.

We have access to new drugs every day. We have access to surgeries that are being discovered and re-mastered every day. Health Information Technology — The Safer Future in Healthcare – Dr. Thiru Sundaresan. Information Technology is the baseline of many transformations in various fields like healthcare. There is a positive change in medical and healthcare by introducing health information technology. Health information technology is now popular these days when the whole world is fighting with Covid-19. We can’t ignore the technology that helps us. Like Digital equipment, software, and many other essential technologies.

Medical Expert Software - Thirumurugan Sundaresan - Medium. How Can a Healthcare Professional Use Social Media to Grow Their Business. With social media, healthcare providers have many tools at their disposal to help build their businesses. People like Thirumurugan Sundaresan actively working for making Digital health Technology friendlier for the doctors and patients. Social network sites can be a powerful tool in the hands of persons who know how to leverage it to its full potential. When social media is misunderstood or misapplied, it can turn into a time sink where many hours that could have been spent more productively in other ways to build your business. Since social media is easily misunderstood, it will help to clarify some of those areas. Social Media and Meetings. Who is Thiru Sundaresan? Slide 1: Thirumurugan Sundaresan ORBIS HEALTH slide 2:

Influences in Medical Technological Advances – Dr. Thiru Sundaresan. One vital importance in humanity is health and other species here living in this planet. Nowadays, there are many cases and reports of new disease like AH1N1 virus and other that has high rate of morality like Aids and Cancer. That’s why medical practitioners are finding solutions to these diseases in the form of new medical advancement. But still advancement is not enough in some cases like Covid-19. Health Technology to Save Human. Impact of Technological Advancements in the Healthcare Industry. 1). Digital Diagnostics: Digital diagnostics allow doctors to break geographical barriers and deliver remote care to patients located in distant places. Through this technology, automated health assessment can be done electronically and virtually.

There are many mobile applications and software programs that facilitate remote diagnostics and in the future it is anticipated that more healthcare companies would also develop high-end programs to enable doctors to diagnose patients without having to be physically present in front of each other. 2). Some amazing benefits of digital health technology in countering Covid-19 – Dr. Thiru Sundaresan. The outbreak of corona virus pandemic has taken the world by storm and has put up a big challenge in front of the medical research team. Till now, no vaccine or no medical aid could be found out in order to get rid of this deadly virus.