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Moodscope - Lift your mood with a little help from your friends. ADHD Inattentive Type | Who Put the Ketchup in the Medicine Cabinet? How to Change Any Bad Habit Using Game Mechanics | Big Fish Blog. “If only I could read through all the books I own.” “If only I could get more work done in less time.” “If only I could lose weight.” Yup, those sound familiar. Sometimes it feels impossible to make a change. The good news is that I’ve done the research on how it can be easier. The ruts we find ourselves in can be changed by identifying the bad habit that got us there – and cultivating the positive habits to change for good. Gamers are experts at making and breaking habits Photo Credit: Treefiddy via Compfight cc You enjoy playing games, right?

Think about what makes you keep returning to a game. We gamers can accomplish great things anywhere by using what we’ve learned from gaming. Let’s look at game mechanics, understand what drives habits, and then mash them together to create a better world (or at least a better us). Crash course on game mechanics Chris Bennett, an accomplished game designer and expert on game mechanics, clued me in on what makes a game tick. How habits are formed. PsyQ - Psycho Medische programma's.

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