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#FOKO Blog Club #Madagascar: Meet The Bloggers « Rising Voices. Two years ago the Rising Voices Grantee FOKO Blog Club started its blog outreach workshops for Malagasy youths. And what a journey they had - the details of which can be found in our numerous features on FOKO. summarizes some of the achievements so far by the FOKO Bloggers: FOKO promoted Citizen Journalism during the 2009 Political unrest in Madagascar. FOKO's effort in promoting ICT in Education was mentioned in local media . FOKO's efforts in promoting social activism in fighting against poverty and climate change got international recognition . In a latest report reports on the people behind FOKO's success: There are now bloggers who didn’t have mailbox before a FBC workshop who are very active on our Facebook/Google group mailing lists!

Since January 2009 FOKO Blog Club posted a series of interviews with its bloggers celebrating their first anniversary of blogging. Tahina, the Malagasy geek, has started blogging in English one year ago with his ICE Club mates. September 21, 2009. #madagascar - La présence des médias internationaux offre une op. Les bailleurs de fonds font durer la crise pour faire valoir leur point de vue La coordination des partenaires techniques et financiers fait encore défaut à Madagascar. Le secrétariat technique permanent de coordination des aides n’a pas encore son secrétaire permanent jusqu’à ce jour. Le staff technique est recruté appuyé par l’assistance technique étrangère. La plateforme de gestion de l’aide de Gateway foundation est en place pour exploiter les données sur l’aide publique au développement mais il n’y pas de responsable de la coordination proprement dit. Les partenaires techniques et financiers, en accord avec la déclaration de Paris sur l’efficacité de l’aide, ont augmenté leur aide budgétaire.

Ces mêmes partenaires techniques et financiers ont utilisé les médias locaux pour partager leurs préoccupations en décembre 2008. La question qui se pose est quand est ce qu’on aura un vrai débat sur les choix politiques du Gouvernement ? La blogosphère malgache s'émeut des violences à Antananariv. #Madagascar blogs. Protests in Madagascar and the Importance. As Juliana and I emphasized during a presentation at last year’s MobileActive conference in South Africa, just because over three billion people are equipped with cell phones, which can be used as tools for reporting during emergencies, that doesn’t mean the world has three billion citizen journalists ready and able to cover every natural disaster, political uprising, and news-worthy event they encounter.

The recent coverage of Tropical Storm Eric, Cyclone Fanele, and the ongoing protests and political turmoil in Madagascar by local citizen journalists reveals the importance of 1.) citizen journalism training programs, 2.) the translation and contextualization of local content for a global audience, and 3.) networks of media groups so that local voices can be amplified and understood when breaking news hits. Foko Madagascar bloggers Diana and Lomelle at last year’s E-bit conference.

The intensity of political protests then escalated. Liberté de la presse : #Madagascar perd 40 places ! | Randy Do I. #Madagascar: Astérix chez les dingos |