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Illustration isométrique BTP | David Torondel - Graphiste indépendant - blog graphisme, illustration et animation. Désolé pour le manque de mise à jour en ce moment, mais j’ai beaucoup de dossiers à gérer en même temps ! Voici une illustration que je viens de faire, déclinaison d’une autre déjà montrée ici. Au final ce sera une animation Flash, destinée à tourner en boucle sur des stands de salon.

Cliquer sur l’image pour la voir en plus grand. Edit 17 oct : Pour répondre au commentaire de Heneman, pour ce genre d’illustration je me fais d’abord une « grille » dans Illustrator, que j’imprime, et qui me sers de repère pour mon croquis de base. Voici ci-dessous ce que ca donne : Le croquis n’est pas ultra précis, le but est vraiment de faire valider l’agencement des éléments par le client. Mais dans la plupart des cas, j’utilise une grille avec les 2 angles à 30°.

Working with Orthographic Projections and Basic Isometrics. A few times a each month we revisit some of our reader’s favorite posts from throughout the history of Vectortuts+. This tutorial by Cody Walker was first published on November 25th 2008. This is the first part in a series of tutorials about Isometrics. Isometric projections are a system of drawing that allows an artist to quickly and accurately draw an object without using perspective. I will go into more depth about isometrics later in this tutorial. I'm going to begin by talking about a system that is commonly used with isometrics. Want access to the full Vector Source files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? Join VECTORTUTS PLUS for just $19/month. Orthographics Orthographic projections are a way of describing what an object looks like from several different views. An orthographic is one way to describe a three dimensional object in two-dimensional space. Isometric projections are from the family of axonometric projection systems.

Drawing in Isometric Step 1. How to Create Advanced Isometric Illustrations Using the SSR Method. This is the second part of a series of tutorials I'm doing about creating isometric illustrations in Adobe Illustrator. If you've missed that first tutorial I suggest you start with Working with Orthographic Projections and Basic Isometrics. Let's get started! In the last tutorial I covered how to make an isomeric grid and build simple blocky shapes on it. In this tutorial I'm going to talk about another method of creating isometric shapes that doesn't require a grid and is much more useful if your objects are complex or curvy. When creating a complicated isometric illustration it's best to begin by breaking down your object into its simplest parts.

This will help to make the project more approachable. It is possible to make the most complex objects entirely on an isometric grid using the method I discussed in the last tutorial. The basic idea behind the SSR method is that by using tools in Adobe Illustrator you can place an object onto an isometric plane without using a grid. Ressources pour Flash MX/MX2004. Développement de projets et sources AS. Emanuele Feronato - italian geek and PROgrammer. As you should know, isometric projection is a method of visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions, in which the three coordinate axes appear equally foreshortened and the angles between any two of them are 120 degrees.

A great way to represent 3D worlds on old 8-bit computers since their CPUs did not handle a real 3D world, and a great way to create casual adventure games nowadays. I am showing you a list of 11 Flash isometric engines, some of them are free, others are commercial, and some still unreleased. I am writing to all authors to have more info about their engines, meanwhile this the most complete list I was able to make. Engines are listed in alphabetical order. 2D isometric engine – Free Open source, multilevel and multiplayer tilebased isometric engine, reviewed in this post as3isolib – Free You can see latest project using this engine at.