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[Infographie] E-Commerce : les chiffres clés et les tendances en France. Les revenus du e-commerce en France ne cessent de progresser.

[Infographie] E-Commerce : les chiffres clés et les tendances en France

Selon les chiffres de la Fevad publiés par Frenchweb au début du mois, le commerce online a enregistré une croissance de 22% sur les 6 premiers mois de l’année. Les ventes en ligne ont ainsi atteint 21,8 milliards € de CA sur la période, soit 3 milliards de plus qu’un an auparavant. Partant de ce constat, l’agence Web Kangourouge, spécialisée dans les solutions E-Commerce, a publié une infographie relatant les différentes formes de commerce en ligne ainsi que les principaux chiffres du secteur.

E-réputation de marque : un cas pratique. Les différences principales existant entre les mécanismes de l'e-réputation et les contraintes d’une réputation que l’on nommera par facilité «traditionnelle» tiennent à trois points principaux parmi d’autres : 1) L’avis du consommateur sur un produit ou une marque est désormais prépondérant sur Internet, via notamment les réseaux sociaux ; 2) Ce même avis ne s’évapore pas aussi vite qu’avant, la plupart des réseaux sociaux comportant un support écrit ;

E-réputation de marque : un cas pratique

Communications office needs a strategy. Three Critical Traits of a Social Media Grown-Up @mstory123. By: Guest | August 13, 2012 | Today’s guest post is written by Mark Story.

Three Critical Traits of a Social Media Grown-Up @mstory123

Cathryn Sloane’s article “Why Every Social Media Manager Should Be Under 25” caused a bit of firestorm last month. The debate surrounds how experienced – and old – someone should be to succeed as a social media practitioner. I weighed in, as did the Huffington Post. and most people took Cathryn to task for suggesting young people “get” social media and are the ones who are best suited to incorporate it in a business setting.

I’d argue there is a bigger point here: You have be a social media grown-up; and that may or may not be tied to years of experience. Being a social media grown-up means you have the essential skills to be a really good practitioner. So what is “it?” Three Critical Traits 1. As for written communications skills, you cannot be successful at social media without being a good writer. 2. Way too many organizations become entranced by the latest shiny object. 3. Email marketing vs Social Media Marketing #infografia #infographic #socialmedia #marketing. Analytics Company Crazy Egg Acquires The Hello Bar.

Crazy Egg, a company that helps website owners to visualize visitor activity, has acquired the web toolbar product Hello Bar.

Analytics Company Crazy Egg Acquires The Hello Bar

The Hello Bar is a customizable, relatively unobtrusive bar that sits at the top of a website and directs visitors with a call to action. For example, the bar on Gary Vaynerchuk’s website prompts visitors to “Circle me up on Google+!” , while the one at Eric Ries’ Startup Lessons Learned points to the video of his Lean Startup track at this year’s SXSW. Amee Shah, who runs Crazy Egg’s day-to-day operations, says the company was looking for products that were similar to its own “in that they help people improve the user experience on their websites and they also are very simple and easy to use.”

So she found the Hello Bar and started talking to the company that made it, Digital Telepathy. The financial terms of the acquisition aren’t being disclosed, but Shah says the current Hello Bar team will not be joining Crazy Egg. Mobile Ad Network InMobi Continues App Buying Spree With Metaflow Solutions. The shopping spree for InMobi continues apace: today the mobile advertising network has announced the acquisition of UK-based Metaflow Solutions, a mobile app management and distribution company.

Mobile Ad Network InMobi Continues App Buying Spree With Metaflow Solutions

Financial terms of the deal have not been disclosed; we’re looking and will update as we learn more. The news comes in the same month that InMobi announced the acquisition of MMTG Labs, another company focused on the distribution of apps — and points to how InMobi is broadening the reach and targeting it can offer to its mobile advertising developers and publishers. (It also shows how the company is putting its most recent $200 million round of funding to good use.)

“As a global leader in the mobile advertising space, InMobi is committed to growing the mobile ecosystem. Consolidation in the mobile advertising and app distribution spaces seems inevitable. And this is what the Metaflow acquisition can potentially bring. Metaflow has been around since 2006 B.I.

More to come. Les opportunités publicitaires sur Facebook pays par pays. Nanigans, une entreprise proposant la gestion de campagnes Facebook, vient de réaliser une infographie représentant les opportunités publicitaires via le réseau social pays par pays.

Les opportunités publicitaires sur Facebook pays par pays

Pour chaque pays, on peut ainsi voir trois notes sur 5 représentant le nombre d’utilisateurs, le taux de clic et le CPC… Pour réaliser cette infographie, 80 milliards d’impressions publicitaires ont été analysées via les différentes campagnes réalisées par Nanigans et ce dans 20 pays dont la France. Les pays ont ensuite été classés par ordre d’opportunité. L’Inde avec ses 41 millions d’utilisateurs, ses CPC faibles et son taux de clic élevé se retrouve ainsi en première position.