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Aion : Assaut sur Balauréa annoncé par NCSoft. Aion : Assaut sur Balauréa annoncé par NCSoft La version 2.0, annoncée l'an dernier en Corée, se dévoile enfin dans sa version européenne. On ne sait pas s'il s'agira d'une extension payante ou une simple mise à jour, mais l'on connait en revanche les quelques gros changements qui seront apportés au jeu. NCSoft mise sur le RvR (Royaume vs Royaume) afin de renforcer le PvP entre Elyséens et Asmodiens. Mais ce n'est pas tout, le PvE ne sera pas oublié puisque le jeu sera assiégé par les Balauréens, de nouveaux ennemis qu'il faudra donc combattre afin, notamment, de bénéficier de nouveaux objets, familiers, quêtes et autres joyeusetés. La 2.0 apporte également une montée du level maximum qui passe de 50 à 55, ainsi que de nouvelles zones et instances. Si la version 1.9 est attendue pour le début du mois de juin, il faudra en revanche patienter jusqu'à l'hiver prochain pour de cette extension s'annonçant très enrichissante pour les joueurs.

Canceled my Aion subscription ~ Impetusium - Thulf's Aion Blog. Just fyi i did cancel my Aion subscription recently. I did not really miss the game during my short break and that - at least for me - is always a bad sign. Despite what NCsoft says, the grind and the missing incentive (eg. finding new useful & fun stuff on mobs etc.) plus many people leaving i was playing with did the rest. In addition there are some core problem with class balance for melee & ranged classes at the higher levels IMO. I don't want to rant too much here or go further into detail.

I got a bunch of unfinished maps and instance stuff, but don't think I'll publish them since i dislike posting unfinished stuff. Maybe if i get bored i might finish some and add them here some day. I'm not sure what the next MMO will be i play or if I'll start a new blog about it, but you can be sure I'll keep you posted about it. So to all readers, some of you followed me since WAR, thanks for reading and all those nice eMails and ingame chats. - Aion Gold. Buy Wow Gold. Power Leveling Cheap and Fast. Safety and classification The website doesn't contain questionable content. It can be used by kids and is safe for work. The website itself indicates that the content is suitable for all audiences. Reviews, indications of suspected fraud, seriousness or potentially dangerous software (malware) can be found here: reviews Content and keywords Important and popular websites Important pages are Affiliate Program, Reviews and Newsletters Subscription. Important keywords for search marketing For the website 6 relevant search engines marketing keywords and phrases were found. Note: The table data, in particular click prices, may vary depending on the time of day, day of week and origin of the visitor. Information about on Wikipedia the free encyclopedia: Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and an atomic number of 79. Technical information The web server used by is run by Gandi US and is located in Baltimore, USA.

Gameforge to host Aion talk at F2P Summit | Latest news from the game development industry. Early bird discount for summit ends September 5th Carsten van Husen, CEO of Gameforge 4D, is to speak at this month’s F2P Summit. Carsten van Husen’s sessions focuses on ‘Seven lessons from making Aion Free-to-Play’, providing attendees with a closer look at the process and lessons learned from the switch of MMO Aion from a subscription-based pay-to-play system to free-to-play business model. “I hope to bring some of our hard-won insight and practical advice to delegates,” said Carsten van Husen. “As a major European online game publisher that is trusted by many significant developers to manage their game properties, Gameforge has been honoured to meet the challenges of the free-to-play market.

“My talk will touch on localising our games for specific cultural differences, how an effective monetisation system based on microtransactions is developed, and how we coped with major product launches – both the highs and the lows.” The F2P Summit takes place on September 26th at Rich Mix in London. Aion Guides[1] Episode 7, Aion isn't heaven. =[ So, not that anyone has been checking up around here for MONTHS now! , it is true Zadno and I have quit Aion. =[ It's a bit of finger pointing and "it's not you it's me". Honestly, we grew tired of the game =| It got really, boring, for us and the community started to shape more and more into some we were all tooooo familiar with. A side note to that though, we had disbanded out legion and began to search for a new one, we did find one full of totally awesome players... but the game just wasn't shining.

So! Thanks guys for hanging with us! Adamus/Zadno. How to choose what class to play on Aion. On Aion, should you play the steadfast Templar, unwavering at the sight of foes, protecting your companions from certain doom if you fall? Or should you play an assassin or mage, the experts at dealing damage whether from the hymn of an ancient spell, or lethally delivering cold steel from the shadows? Or perhaps the priest may be more to your liking, mending your friends, their life in your hands. Aion does not make what class to play easy at all! Given there are four basic archetypes: Warrior, Scout, Priest, and Mage. Which further branches into 8 more specialized classes. And think aion gold to finalyse your choice. To help you choose what class would best suit you to play, I have devised a handful of criterion to consider to point you towards the right direction.

Race Even before considering the class, we can’t forget the Race ! Do you want to be light or dark ? When considering the race to pick, you might want to ask yourself two important questions. Armor and Weapon Type on Aion. Rich facial customization is key to Aion’s appeal | intelligent crowds.