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Being a Good Father. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. Dear friends, It is with the saddest heart that I pass on the following. Please join me in remembering a great icon. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly-greased coffin. Awkward Physical Contacts. - StumbleUpon. How to scare people on the road Video - Your Daily Life in GIFs (4.2.12) When you see your ex at a party: When your boss catches you not doing your work: When you are crossing the street and someone honks at you to hurry up: When you were a kid and got to go to the playground: When you find a friend you can act stupid with: When you see a girl with a nice butt wearing yoga pants: When someone starts gossiping about someone you hate: When your girlfriend randomly asks you if you want to have sex: When someone starts talking about politics: When you go out to a fancy dinner and get the bill: When the phone rings while you’re on the toilet: When a cute person calls you cute: When you get home from a long day: When you work retail and have to listen to the store’s music all day: When your really innocent friend says something sexual: When you step to get around someone, but they step in the same direction: When someone gets an A and they “didn’t even study”: When someone points a rubberband at you: When you lose your only friend that went to a party with you: <–Back to Home Page.

The 21 Absolute Worst Things In The World. Chef/Jive/ValSpeak. Spinners3_clone - animaclock. - StumbleUpon. Shut Up And Take My Money - Cool Gadgets and Geeky Products.