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Journal of Statistical Software — Index. GigaScience. FAQ - CLOCKSS. Why is it called "CLOCKSS"?


CLOCKSS, or Controlled LOCKSS (for Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), runs on LOCKSS technology, but unlike LOCKSS (an open network), CLOCKSS is a closed system. Why join CLOCKSS? Libraries are joining CLOCKSS to ensure the world's e-content is protected for future generations of researchers. Condensed Matter Physics. June, 2013 The 2012 ISI impact factor of Condensed Matter Physics is 0.757.

Condensed Matter Physics

We would like to thank all the authors, referees and editors for their great work! April, 2013. Physics of the Solid State. The European Physical Journal E (EPJ E) Powder Technology.


APS. PACS. Home Portal: European Physical Journal (EPJ) INQUIRY SYSTEM. The European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics, Volume 35, Number 9. [1106.5285] Rise or sink: spherical intruder in density frequency dependence static granular fluid. Condensed Matter Physics.