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Adobe Air. Mobile Internet. Ad/Video Tracking. Grip Limited. Information Regarding Web Browsers. Chrome Extensions for Web Development. The Chrome Developer Tools are great for debugging HTML, JavaScript and CSS in Chrome. If you're writing a webpage or even a web app for the Chrome Web Store, you can inspect elements in the DOM, debug live JavaScript, and edit CSS styles directly in the current page. Extensions can make Google Chrome an even better web development environment by providing additional features that you can easily access in your browser.

To help developers like you, we created a page that features extensions for web development. We hope you’ll find them useful in creating applications and sites for the web. For example, Speed Tracer is an extension to help you identify and fix performance issues in your web applications. Another useful extension is the Resolution Test that changes the size of the browser window, so web developers can preview websites in different screen resolutions. These are just a few of the extensions you can find in our extensions for web development page. How to optimize images for web. Summary: Here's how to optimize images for web, with quick and easy-to-use, free tools.

Hint: Optimizing images for your blog is very simple, it can even be automatic. Optimizing images for fast loading is one of the image optimization tips every blogger should put into action. When you know this stuff, and make it a part of your image uploading process, it doesn't take any extra time on your part, but it'll improve your blog in more ways than one. Intro This post is a part of my WordPress Speed -series, helping to make blogs load faster. If you have tested how fast your blog is, you might have noticed that the images on your blog take a decent chunk from the loading time.

Image optimization for web Image optimization was very important on the early days of the WWW, when people didn't have broadband connections. Optimizing images for web means making the images smaller (in size, not necessarily quality) so they load faster. Why image optimization is important? 1. 2. Image optimization tools.

Web Development

25 of the Best Calligraphy Fonts for Designers. Browser Testing: A Family Tree. One task drives web professionals to distraction more than almost any other: testing whether their design works equally well in a multitude of browsers and on different devices. The list of browsers and platforms to verify against keeps getting longer, and as designers, our tempers are getting proportionally shorter; IE6 will probably feature in nightmares for years to come!

Yet doing our work in an ever-widening range of situations is becoming increasingly important. This article highlights the most common issues that arise when testing with “the usual suspects” and explains why a change in tactics may soon be needed. Your entire perspective on compatibility testing could change. The Fantastic Five Back during the browser wars, designers had to suffer through constant bickering between Internet Explorer and its rival (some things never change). Times are changing. Although the market is dominated by five browsers, designers shouldn’t disregard the orange “Others” slice. The Long-Term Cure. Internet - Displaying HTML Source Code in Web Pages. If you are writing web pages about HTML then there will be times when you want to display HTML codes in your page. If you are not sure how to recode it so that it appears as text instead of being interpreted as code or you are just looking for an easy way to do the conversion without having to make the changes manually then you may want to bookmark this page.

The following form will do all of the work for you. Simply cut a copy of the required section of your web page from your page source and paste it into the top text box and then select the Convert button. The text equivalent of your HTML code fragment suitable for inclusion in your web page as text will appear in the lower text box. Simply copy the code from there and paste it into your page source. <p style="color:#ff0000">This form uses Javascript. Would you like to see an example of what the form does?

(To show you what the corresponding code generated by the above form looks like I simply fed it through the form a second time) Create cool applications! | Microsoft Windows chief: 'We're all in' for IE9, HTML5. Two weeks ago, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer debuted his company’s new slogan for all things Web: “We’re all in.” The phrase made another appearance Tuesday at Microsoft’s MIX10 conference for Web developers in Las Vegas. Steven Sinofsky, president of the Windows and Windows Live division, made his bet on Internet Explorer 9 and its support of an emerging standard, HTML5. “We’ve built Internet Explorer 9 from the ground up on top of the Windows 7 platform,” Sinofsky said during a cameo in IE general manager Dean Hachamovitch’s keynote.

As has been previously reported, IE9 – expected to be released next year – can use a computer’s hardware processing power to render graphics. On stage, Hachamovitch and Sinofsky showed a number of examples in which IE9 displayed graphics more quickly and more smoothly than Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The browser also supports HTML5, an emerging standard for writing Web pages. Ballmer said it then; Sinofsky said it Tuesday: “We’re all in.” Panopticlick.

Web Design

Webdesign. Silverlight hits 50% Goodbye XML… Hello YAML (part 1) Part 2 This is the first in a many-part series in which I will be writing about using YAML in the .Net space – particularly within C#. I will cover the whys, the hows, and show some tricks using the dynamic capabilities of C# when using YAML. I might even explore IronRuby a bit. Why YAML? I got the chance to sit in on four days of Ruby on Rails (RoR) training from Joe Obrien a few weeks ago. I hadn’t played with RoR in a few months, and this training was amazingly useful. In this case, one of the things I took away with me was YAML. Over 10 years ago, when XML was touted as a human-readable data format, I had to scoff. 10 years later, we are still using XML as our primary data transfer/persistence/definition format. Currently, my colleague Mike Woelmer and I have a client who needs us to develop an engine where the business rules will be entered by a human (not a developer) and will change as the project evolves.

Here is the exact same data described with YAML: HTML 5 validation in Visual Studio.