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Remy Sharp

Scobleizer — Exploring the 2010 Web. The iPad Launch: Can Steve Jobs Do It Again? Untitled. Bespin. Custom Themes - Posterous for Developers. Simon Collison | Colly | Journal | Thoughts on FOWD 2010. 21st May 2010 My brain hurts, my throat is hoarse, and my unwanted collection of Media Temple-branded lanyards has grown by one, which means I must be back from another Future of Web Design conference, where I presented my personal thoughts about our future. In order to avoid doing any proper work, I hereby present the usual rough and ready overview of the event from my slightly exhausted perspective. The best FOWD yet As I declared on stage, I have attended or spoken at four or five FOWD conferences over the years, and I consider this year’s event to have surpassed everything that went before.

The social angle I’m not going to start namedropping, but from a social perspective it must have been good as I lost my voice shortly after I lost my brain. My presentation I always enjoy speaking, but this was especially fun. The slides are available on Speakerdeck, and if you spoke, attended, or purchased a video pass, you should have the password and link required to watch the video of my talk. Fantastic website design in Flintshire, North Wales from Stuff a.