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Uploading Large Files Through Web Service. Introduction In this article, I am going to explain how to upload large files using web service method. We will not need to change anything in IIS or web.config (maximum request size) developed in Visual Studio 2008. Using the Code I have created a web method to accept file name, bytes (array) and offset. Here is the function. [WebMethod] public bool UploadFile(string FileName, byte[] buffer, long Offset) { bool retVal = false; try { string FilePath = Path.Combine(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["upload_path"], FileName); if (Offset == 0) File.Create(FilePath).Close(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read)) { fs.Seek(Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } retVal = true; } catch (Exception ex) { common.SendError(ex); } return retVal; } In the function, I am setting the file location to be saved in the server.

How to Consume the Web Method I have created a Windows application (C#). History. Voice - Build Voice Communications into your Web Apps | Twilio. Exceptional Performance. Yahoo! 's Exceptional Performance team promotes best practices for improving web page performance. They conduct research, build tools, write articles and blogs, and speak at conferences. Best Practices The Yahoo! Exceptional Performance team has identified a number of best practice rules for making web pages fast. YSlow for Firebug Use the YSlow tool to analyze a web pages and get a report on why the web page is slow based on the best practices for high performance web sites.

Research Research conducted by the Exceptional Performance team is documented in the following Yahoo! Developer Support & Community Web page performance and the YSlow tools are discussed in the Exceptional Performance Group. You can also use the feedback form to report feedback, bugs, and request features. Videos About High Performance Web Pages Both general web development and performance-related videos are available on the Yahoo!

Books About High Performance Web Pages. Continuous Integration. I vividly remember one of my first sightings of a large software project. I was taking a summer internship at a large English electronics company. My manager, part of the QA group, gave me a tour of a site and we entered a huge depressing warehouse stacked full with cubes. I was told that this project had been in development for a couple of years and was currently integrating, and had been integrating for several months. My guide told me that nobody really knew how long it would take to finish integrating. From this I learned a common story of software projects: integration is a long and unpredictable process. But this needn't be the way. This contrast isn't the result of an expensive and complex tool.

When I've described this practice to people, I commonly find two reactions: "it can't work (here)" and "doing it won't make much difference". The term 'Continuous Integration' originated with the Extreme Programming development process, as one of its original twelve practices. api.pdf. Performance On A Shoe String. Back in the summer, I happened to notice the official Wimbledon All England Tennis Club site had jumped to the top of Alexa’s Movers & Shakers list — a list that tracks sites that have had the biggest upturn or downturn in traffic. The lawn tennis championships were underway, and so traffic had leapt from almost nothing to crazy-busy in a no time at all.

Many sites have similar peaks in traffic, especially when they’re based around scheduled events. No one cares about the site for most of the year, and then all of a sudden – wham! – things start getting warm in the data centre. Whilst the thought of chestnuts roasting on an open server has a certain appeal, it’s less attractive if you care about your site being available to visitors. Take a look at this Alexa traffic graph showing traffic patterns for at the beginning of each year, and in the month of July.

Traffic graph from The Problem Yahoo! Server tweaking Caching Outsource your feeds Further steps.