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More Resources to Help You Expand Your Law Firm. Richard James As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.”

More Resources to Help You Expand Your Law Firm

His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. Arizona Business Management Service. The Importance of Marketing for US Law Firms. The Importance of Marketing for US Law Firms Who Does Marketing for a Law Firm?

The Importance of Marketing for US Law Firms

For many years as a young entrepreneur, I had a difficult time defining the difference between marketing and advertising. It seemed as if people used the terms interchangeably, and no one could give me a good answer. So, I created my own. First, I believe that marketing is the umbrella where advertising, sales, and customer service reside. What Marketing Means for a Law Firm I believe the Perfect Client Life Cycle (PCLC) describes my view of marketing perfectly.

I believe the formula for marketing is: 50% systems, 30% arithmetic, and only 20% new ideas. . . . gets done . . . gets managed . . . magnifies Which leads me to the point of this article. US Law Firm Management Not using the proper phone system is like catching water in a sieve. As is typical, the telecom industry has decided to take the simple and make it complicated. Your Practice Mastered Toolkit. Power of Sales for a Lawyer Business. The Power of Sales for a Lawyer Business Forbes magazine regularly runs an article on billionaires.

Power of Sales for a Lawyer Business

Maybe, like me today, many of you have no desire to be a billionaire. But that shouldn’t stop us from learning what made them financially successful. Learning From Billionaires As we glean at the record of thousands of billionaires, we get some interesting observations. I too am self-made, forged from hours of walking on the hot coals of entrepreneurship, the tight rope of managing troublesome staff, and the Herculean-like stress caused by watching the bank account wane with every payroll. Lessons To Learn And The Importance Of Selling The first was in Nashville at the Cool Springs Marriott. The second was while taking a quick break down in Rocky Point, Mexico. Know the important role of Salesman in your Business. During the crazy times we experienced, there has remained one consistent fact for small law firms: Salesmanship is king.

Know the important role of Salesman in your Business

Small law firms who understand this fact, win more often than law firms who do not. Now, more than ever, we must understand how to sell if we want to be successful in our business. Two Ways to Get a Client Vested Personal Appointments. When prospective new clients take off work, find a babysitter for their kids, find the courage to realize they are going to see an attorney, get in their car, fight rain, snow and/or blazing heat to come to see you, they are vested. Zoom Client Meetings. Here’s the ugly truth. Richard James, Your Practice Mastered, LLC. Law Firm Consultant Arizona. Get the tips to manage time for law firms from Richard James, Your Practice Mastered, LLC. Turning Unconverted Leads Into Actual Paying Clients. Looking for ways to convert leads into actual paying clients and thereby grow your business?

Turning Unconverted Leads Into Actual Paying Clients

In your legal practice, achieving The Perfect Client Life Cycle™ (PCLC) involves not only getting the leads but also turning those leads into appointments and making sure they show up. In this article, Richard James, the master of lead conversion, gives an overview of four ways to acquire prospects, engage unconverted leads, increase your show rate, and make those prospects retain your firm. The Perfect Client Life Cycle™ is a process that leads to more referrals for your new business. Arizona Law Firm Consultants. Arizona Business Management Consultant. How to set KPIs to measure law firm success? As the owner of a small law firm, are you tracking measures that can guide the success of your business?

How to set KPIs to measure law firm success?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are business metrics that small law firms use to measure how effectively they are achieving the objectives and goals they have set for themselves. Imagine what your legal firm would look like five years from now. How will you get there? You’re probably thinking about specific actions to take. Law Firm Business Consultant in Arizona.

Build your Firm budget with Richard James. How much does it cost to run a small law firm?

Build your Firm budget with Richard James

You may think that a few thousand bucks could cover everything from rent, insurance, software, to internet costs, but before you come up with a list of potential expenses to deduct from your first sales deposit, let me stop you to say you’ve got it backwards. When building your budget, the first thing you should ask is not about expenses, but this: how much profit do you want? According to Mike Michalowicz's book, Profit First the old formula used to be “Gross Revenue minus Expenses equals Profit”.

But his new formula is something I wholeheartedly agree with: “Gross Revenues minus Profit equals Expenses”. You should only pay your bills AFTER you take profit. Small Law Firm System in Gilbert. Grow up your business with Richard James. I’m Richard James, the guy who takes small law firms from chaos to thriving; the guy who arms attorneys with the tools they need to run any kind of business.

Grow up your business with Richard James

I’m tired of seeing smart, talented attorneys like you live far beneath their potential with their law practice, but I understand why it’s happening. Running a law practice is brutally hard. Make A One Your Law Firm with Richard James. Make A One Your Law Firm with Richard James.