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Power Auras - How to Use. GrimUI : Suites : WoWInterface AddOns. The change log will now be kept here CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE Update - I Will no longer be keeping track of the change log here. Check back soon for a website where i will be keeping the change log from now on. Post your Interface - Page 130. [Guide] Power Auras Classic pour le démoniste - Forums. Mozilla Firefox.

I've ranted in the past about my love for Power Auras, and it's an affair that has only deepened since the expansion.

Mozilla Firefox

Power Auras can be configured to give you the information you want in two different ways: in can give you information about what you are already doing, or it can remind you of what you should be doing. You can ask it to tell you if you are wearing a fishing pole, or if you are not wearing a weapon. Optec's UI Guide. World of Warcraft Addons - WoW Addons -