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The Owls' Nest Home Care Services

We are dedicated to providing our clients with individualized and holistic non-medical health services in the comfort and privacy of their homes.

4 Ways You Can Improve Senior Bedroom Safety. The bedroom is where you rest and resign for the night.

4 Ways You Can Improve Senior Bedroom Safety

But, despite that seeing this area in your home as a safe haven, some dangers still lurk within it. In this article, shares how you can keep your bedroom safer: Avoid linens that drape to the floor.Bed linens that cover the whole bed may be comfy and luxurious. Why Should You Learn About Your Illness? There’s no doubt that your doctor is the expert when it comes to treating your condition.

Why Should You Learn About Your Illness?

But, having some knowledge about your diagnosis also comes with benefits. shares that… It helps you decipher what your doctor is doing.Doctors order all sorts of tests concerning your condition. Healthy Ways to Flavor Your Loved One’s Food. Put away the salt shaker!

Healthy Ways to Flavor Your Loved One’s Food

That’s not the only option you have when it comes to adding taste. Besides, too much salt in one’s diet gives rise to hypertension and other complications. To make mealtime more guilt-free, shares these alternatives: Fresh Herbs and SpicesYou can never go wrong with the greens. Fresh herbs are highly versatile. Share your healthy kitchen secrets with us in the comments. Reasons Why Reading is a Great Hobby. It’s never too late to start reading as a hobby.

Reasons Why Reading is a Great Hobby

For seniors, shares that it comes with many perks: It Exercises Their Memory. Stories and details in books build up over time. This helps seniors recall and retain the information they have just read. While your loved one is busy reading, home care services in Moreno Valley, California will make them more comfortable. Reading makes a great past time for your elderly parent! How Feedback Makes One a Better Caregiver.

What client doesn’t want a caregiver to be better at his or her job?

How Feedback Makes One a Better Caregiver

A competent and compassionate caregiver at , a provider of home care services in Moreno Valley, California, can care for your elderly loved ones in ways that meet their individual needs. These professionals go the extra mile to ensure that seniors are not only able to conquer their aging challenges, but are also able to live a happy and healthy life. You know your loved ones in ways their caregivers don’t, like how they want certain meals prepared, what they love to do during certain times of the day, and other particulars. This intimate level of knowledge makes your feedback critical to improving the care process. Dealing with an Elderly Loved One’s Old Habits.

At times, seniors can be stubborn.

Dealing with an Elderly Loved One’s Old Habits

So, getting them to change their less-than-desirable behavior can be a challenge. “Mom, when are you going to stop smoking?” Or “Dad, I think you better take it easy on the alcohol” are phrases we often find ourselves directing at our elderly parents. This is because we want to protect them from the aging challenges that lie ahead. There are home care services in Moreno Valley, California and around the country that are committed to helping seniors take charge of their health by helping them slowly, but surely, quit the habits that deteriorate their aging mind and body.

4 Reasons Why a Senior Loved One Isn’t Eating Enough. Are you worried about a senior parent’s diet?

4 Reasons Why a Senior Loved One Isn’t Eating Enough

Explains why they’re eating less: They have problems with chewing.Has your loved one done a double-take when biting on food? Do they often complain about the texture of the food? This might be because they have dental issues. A fresh set of dentures helps them enjoy food and eat more.If a senior loved one eats less food despite good dental health, prepare meals that are filled with flavor. How Do You Keep in Touch with an Elderly Parent? Days, weeks, months… even years have passed.

How Do You Keep in Touch with an Elderly Parent?

When was the last time you got in touch with your parents? Brain Fitness Made Easy with These Tips. A lot of seniors fear that their mental prowess will be doomed to fade away as the years go by.

Brain Fitness Made Easy with These Tips

Well, we’re telling you now that this doesn’t have to be the case. lists techniques to preserve your brain fitness: Play games Take your pick. Whether it may be sudoku, crossword puzzles, or videogames, it’s a fine choice. Games work well in teasing your brain into action. How Can Exercise Improve the Health of Seniors? Talking About Home Care: Tips to Start the Conversation. The roles have been reversed, and now you are responsible for the parent who raised you.

Talking About Home Care: Tips to Start the Conversation

Your loved one may need assistance with bathing and grooming. The person who taught you how to drive is now asking you to drive them to and from their appointments. You constantly have to remind them to take their medications, otherwise, they won’t take them at all. While this may be a reality, it is often a very sensitive and difficult subject for adult children and their parents. So, how exactly do you broach the subject of home care? Senior Meditation: Physical and Mental Health Benefits. Looking for a simple activity that can help keep your aging loved one physically healthy and mentally sharp? Consider mindfulness meditation!

The idea of meditating may seem odd to most seniors, but once they understand the benefits, they may be convinced that it is work a look. Mindfulness meditation, which involves relaxation techniques, deep breathing, and focusing on the present, is the most widely used form of meditation. , a reputable provider of home care services in Moreno Valley, California, lists down some of the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness meditation for seniors. Physical Health Benefits Here are some of the physical benefits of meditation for seniors: Online Safety Reminders for Seniors. The era of the internet has definitely bridged gaps internationally. Now, you can connect with your loved ones with a few taps and clicks. Isn’t that amazing? While the internet is indeed full of wonders, it doesn’t have a lack of dangers too. Tips to Stop Wandering in a Loved One with Dementia. Wandering, as you may have observed, is one of the common signs of dementia.

While this may seem benign at first, it can actually out your loved one in danger. They can become confused, get lost, and so on. Thankfully, there are a lot of ways in which you can discourage that type of behavior. Tips to Help a Dementia Patient Avoid Frustrations. Caring for a family member with dementia can be more challenging as the years pass by. This is because the person’s condition progresses through the years. Promote Healthy Diet Even with Senior Appetite Problems. Tips: How to Enjoy Great Conversations with Seniors. Conversations are not only enjoyable for seniors, but it is also healthy for them. Great conversations help exercise their cognitive function. As a result, their memory improves. Tips to Keep Seniors Safe from Falls at Home.

Living Alone? Here Are 7 Safety Tips for Seniors. Indoor Activities That a Senior Loved One Will Enjoy. The outdoor is not the only place where you can have fun. Ideas to Make the Elderly’s Daily Routine Exciting. It’s inevitable for the elderly to fear aging as it entails loss of memory, less mobility, and a limited daily routine. We picture aging as a list of things to do such as taking medications, going to doctor’s appointments, and accomplishing household responsibilities. Our home care agency in Riverside, California believes otherwise!

According to Stenberg College, recreational activities become therapeutic and beneficial for the elderly. Technology for Seniors: Benefits of Keeping in Touch. The age of technology has paved the way for us to communicate with our loved ones from anywhere around the world. In fact, it has never been this easy. 5 Activities to Entice Seniors to Be Social. How to Cook Great Tasting Food for Seniors.