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DK LABORATORIES. HAL File Details: This is the HAL file that links all the system signals to the kinematic model and then outbound o the parallel port aka 'parport.0' Mixing stepgen and scara kinematics was a difficult exercise, there are a number of commented-out sections from the debug process. I ended up generating a servo-thread for each axis parameter (0-8) and then piped the output to the parallel port (parport, 0X378).

After stepgen was generating step-direction data, that is linked to the actual positions (J0pos, etc). A few functions were inverted in output state, however a simple setp 1 Inverted the state before it hit the hardware output Fault inputs and limit switches were generated next to prevent out-of-bounds positioning and prevent the robot from running into the wall (again) Lastly, each axis of the robot commanded positions were fed back into the scaragui net j0 axis.0.joint-pos-fb scaragui.joint0. Political Machines - Jean-Baptiste LABRUNE. Arduino - HomePage. Lasersaur by Nortd Labs. Lasersaur The Lasersaur is an open source laser cutter.

We designed it to fill the need of makers, artist and scientist who wanted a safe and highly-capable machine. Unlike others it comes fully loaded with knowledge to run, maintain, and modify. Since its conception, Nortd Labs and the Lasersaur community has generated knowledge to develop a comprehensive system. How can you Contribute? Unlike software, hardware RD is costly even when living off of Ramen. Short on cash? $32 Beta Access: Support the project and get full access to design documents, community (mailing list), and software before the project goes fully open source. $(any) Project Support: Simply want to support the project? We Accept Bitcoin! Credits Mad props to,,, grbl,, and their giants' shoulders. RepRap.