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Turmeric and the Healing Curcuminoids - Muhammed Majeed, Vladimir Badmaev, Frank Murray. Deadly Food Additives in the Food Supply. HFCS now represents more than 40 percent of caloric sweeteners added to foods and beverages and is mainly the sole caloric sweetener in soft drinks in the United States.

Deadly Food Additives in the Food Supply

HFCS is corn syrup that has undergone processing to convert its glucose into fructose. It is no way like sugar. Just a note, in case you don't k now it, white sugar is BLEACHED with chlorine to make it white! Yes, I said chlorine! If you are going to use sugar, use NATURAL TURBINO CANE SUGAR. Newly emerging information from the Endocrine Society strongly implicates high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) with the metabolic disorder which leads to diabetes and storage of fat around the waist. It doesn't take a genuis to figure out what has caused the creation of a new disease, Diabetes Type II, hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup is a deadly combination to the human body.

Aspartame Dangers, Side Effects, (Nutrasweet, Equal) FDA, disease poisoning. Cannabis extract makes brain tumors shrink, halts growth of blood vessels. Foods Rich in Silica. Razor Sharpening And Using Tips The KnifeCenter is constantly looking for more information to convey to you, and information about razors and stropping has been hard to find.

DOVO, the largest manufacturer of straight razors in the world publishes the following information. Please keep in mind that the writers of the materials on this page are european and the English used may be a little hard to understand. We reprint it for you while accepting no responsibility for any injury resulting from these instructions. All razors and knives are sold to be used at the buyer's own risk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Arthur Boon agreed to allow us to post his personal observations. PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS ABOUT STRAIGHT RAZORS AND STROPS by Arthur Boon Starting its evolution as a scraping stone a thousand years ago, the straight razor gradually developed into what proved to be one of the most perfect and simple instrument designs of all times.

Free living

Turquoise Healing Information. According to crystal healers and New Age believers, crystal and gem healing is an art and practice, done on a metaphysical level, that is being rediscovered because of the power of the earth's energies that have been absorbed by these sacred objects that, in turn, inherit vital healing powers used to heal many types of ailments. They believe that crystals have physical, spiritual, spirit, crystal energy, tranquility, spiritual awareness, zodiac, powers that can be used for Eastern Medicine treatment of everything from pain, stress, depression, therapy and feeling in the Mind, Spirit and Body.

Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions To Planet Earth. By Oliver Lee Oh, Monsanto, you sly dog.

Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions To Planet Earth

You keep trying to make us believe you are “committed to sustainable agriculture” with your canny advertisements on American Public Media, even as you force-feed farmers your lab-grown Frankenseeds that expire every year (which are, let’s be honest, opposite of sustainable). But we shouldn’t be surprised by the mixed message, should we? After all, you’ve been doing this for decades. On that note, let’s take a quick look at some of the biotech giant’s most dubious contributions to society over their past century in business. 1. Monsanto burst onto the scene in 1901 with the artificial sweetener saccharin, which it sold to Coca-Cola and canned food companies as a sugar replacement.But as early as 1907, the health effects of the sweetener were being questioned by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists.

Dueling Banjo, Brighton.

Vaccine safety GEOENGINEERING,AEROSOL SPRAYING CHEMTRAILING. DANGEROUS FAST FOODS - News - Jamaica Gleaner - Tuesday. The term fast food is used to describe food prepared and served quickly.

DANGEROUS FAST FOODS - News - Jamaica Gleaner - Tuesday

These processed, convenient and readily-available foods are promoted by powerful advertising campaigns that have made then a major part of many people's daily diet. Not only do some have very low nutritional value, but they may also contain toxic substances. Here are some fast foods you need to be wary of: Sodas/soft drinks. U.S. Soldiers Dangerously Over-Medicated with Antipsychotic Drugs.

Driving High on Marijuana Not an Impairment, Study Says. August 17, 2010 by Aaron Turpen Despite what the nation’s “Drug Czar” Gil Kerlikowske might say and what his office might promote, it’s being proven that driving under the influence of marijuana does not make you a dangerous driver.

Driving High on Marijuana Not an Impairment, Study Says

In fact, a new study shows that it makes virtually no difference in the driving abilities of most drivers. Of course, that may not be saying much given the state of some highways in this nation, but at least the road hogs and blind spot lurkers don’t drive any worse while high. Most of the studies for stoned and drunk driving were conducted in the 1970s. Honey, I Shrink-Wrapped the Kids! Merck Declares No Health Risk – Research Shows Otherwise. This is your brain on change.
