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LinkedIn France sur Twitter : "LinkedIn fête ses 10 millions de membres en France ! 10 comptes premium à gagner - RT pour participer #LinkedInFR10M. Welcome to Forbes. 6 rules for better LinkedIn InMails. LinkedIn is a fantastic resource for B2B sales and marketing.

6 rules for better LinkedIn InMails

With over 200m users across all industries and pretty much every location, chances are your next best prospect will be on there somewhere. Of course, it’s one thing to know they’re there, it’s another to be able to engage them in a conversation. Dix astuces pour utiliser LinkedIn à des fins de démarchage commercial. Blog » Head of the class: the 10 most popular companies among students.

‘Tech-savvy’ means something completely different today than it did 10 years ago.

Blog » Head of the class: the 10 most popular companies among students

Today’s new professionals aren’t just searching job sites and emailing resumes; instead, “social” is their native habitat. They use social and professional networks to research companies, explore trends, and get the inside scoop on careers from classmates, friends and family. So in this dramatically changed environment, which companies have attracted the attention of today’s students and recent grads?

To find out, we crunched LinkedIn data. Our results are based on their LinkedIn activity including job search behavior, the companies they follow, and their views of company pages and member profiles. As expected, the big multinationals top the global list: LinkedIn va lancer un réseau social d'entreprises. LinkedIn + SlideShare = Le nouveau géant des médias sociaux BtoB. 13 Brands Using LinkedIn Company Page Features the Right Way. Back in November, I set out to write a post to highlight businesses that were using LinkedIn's company page features effectively.

13 Brands Using LinkedIn Company Page Features the Right Way

Needless to say, I couldn't find enough examples to create a compelling post, so in my dismay, what I actually ended up writing was, "11 Reasons Your LinkedIn Company Page Sucks. " What can I say? I was a little bitter and, frankly, slightly disappointed in the social media marketers of the world. We recently reported that, in a study of the over 5,000 inbound marketers where we pitted LinkedIn against Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn proved to be the most effective social media channel for lead generation -- 277% more effective, in fact. As a marketer, particularly if you're in the B2B game, how could you not leverage that awesome lead generation potential?

Well, it's been several months now, and I wanted to give you LinkedIn marketers out there another chance. Blog RSS Feed. Visualize your LinkedIn network. 21 Ways To Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn. As a social media trainer, I get a few recurring LinkedIn questions in my workshops and seminars.

21 Ways To Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

I thought I would compile a little list with questions and answers here, hopefully they will be useful to you. Most questions are related to sales, marketing and recruitment which is basically the type of professionals I tend to train. INFOGRAPHIC: Here's How To REALLY Use LinkedIn. Comment créer une communauté autour de votre entreprise sur LinkedIn ? 4.7 Million LinkedIn Users Are Employed by Small Businesses [INFOGRAPHIC] There are more paths to a good job than the usual four years of college and an internship at a big firm. As the infographic below shows, a fair number of people on LinkedIn are veterans of the military services or graduates of community colleges.

For the former, operations and information technology have been the most fertile fields, while community college grads tend to wind up in business or computer science. The data also show opportunities outside of big business: Some 4.7 million LinkedIn members — out of roughly 100 million in total — are employed by small businesses. It's unclear how many of those are new to their positions, but many LinkedIn members have moved around of late. According to the company, there have been 7.4 million job changes since 2009. LinkedIn is crawling with reporters. How can you connect?

15 Tips To Optimize Your LinkedIn Initiative. This is a guest post by Lior Levin. Blog Archive Why Volunteering is Good for Your Career « This is a guest post on best practices around social networking from Nicole Williams.

Blog Archive Why Volunteering is Good for Your Career «

For similar posts check out our series on networking tips and tricks here. – Ed. Millions of professionals donate their time volunteering that impacts the lives of others, but it turns out volunteering is as good for your career as it is to those you help. Usages et pratiques des membres de LinkedIn : l'infographie. LinkedIn Now Lets You Include Volunteer Experience in Your Profile. LinkedIn is adding a new "Volunteer Experience & Causes" field to profiles, the company announced Wednesday.

LinkedIn Now Lets You Include Volunteer Experience in Your Profile

The section will let users highlight and showcase their unpaid or charitable work experience. Users can click off causes that mean the most to them, fill out an experience profile or add specific organizations — such as the American Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity — that they support. Promoting your charitable experience will help get you a job, according to a recent survey by LinkedIn. The company polled nearly 2,000 U.S. professionals and found that 41% said that when they are evaluating candidates, they consider volunteer work just as much as paid work. Of the hiring managers surveyed, 20% said they gave a job based on a candidate's volunteer work experience. This is good and bad news. 5 LinkedIn Tips You Didn't Know. Whether it's Mark Zuckerberg talking about killing pigs or a Hollywood blockbuster under its belt, Facebook has plenty of attention in our lives. Twitter falls into the same camp. From Justin Bieber's noisy 10 million followers to hordes of social media gurus tweeting the benefits of 140 characters or less, it's easy to discover how and what makes Twitter work.

However, there is one social network that lacks drama but makes up for it with a devoted business community and plenty of compelling features. 10 LinkedIn Traffic Secrets Exposed. LinkedIn, what a powerful tool that is.

10 LinkedIn Traffic Secrets Exposed

Only recently I found a few other ways you can use LinkedIn in your favour and boost your traffic. It has had some amazing results in terms of traffic and engagement. 1. Get the LinkedIn Plugins Sharing, it is nearly the new way of charity. LinkedIn joue avec vos données personnelles, un nouveau cas à la Facebook ? Comment utilisez-vous LinkedIn ? Lab42 et Mashable viennent de réaliser une infographie analysant l’usage qu’ont les utilisateurs de LinkedIn aux États-Unis.

Comment utilisez-vous LinkedIn ?

On découvre notamment que le réseau social professionnel est consulté quotidiennement par 35% des utilisateurs, ou encore que 90% d’entre eux considèrent le site comme étant utile. Découvrez les chiffres tant attendus ci-dessous. Etre prévenu quand vos amis changent de job (ou sont virés) avec Linkedin. Avec les réseaux sociaux on sait à peu près tout sur tout tout le temps.

Etre prévenu quand vos amis changent de job (ou sont virés) avec Linkedin

Et en temps réel. Vous vous souvenez de cette application Facebook qui permettait de connaître le statut amoureux d’une personne et d’être alertée quand un(e) de vos ami(e)s redevenait célibataire ? Avec les réseaux sociaux on sait à peu près tout sur tout tout le temps. Et en temps réel.