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Political Silence

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FUCKING SILENCE. Time to listen to this... Tres · Silencio. Empire of Silence Swiss Expo. A major pavilion at Swiss Expo 2002, “The Empire of Silence” evokes a battle between the forces of silence and communication.

Empire of Silence Swiss Expo

Six interlinked theatres provided the backdrop/setting to an exciting dark adventure, culminating in the destruction of the Empire. Over 500 effects were designed and incorporated in the innovative and contemporary score. A huge networked sound system with 50 channels of computer controlled audio was incorporated into a warehouse-sized building constructed especially for the event. Loud Void. Picketing the White House. Six women suffragettes picket demonstrate silently outside the White house,United...HD Stock Footage. Mary Beard · The Public Voice of Women · LRB 20 March 2014. I want to start very near the beginning of the tradition of Western literature, and its first recorded example of a man telling a woman to ‘shut up’; telling her that her voice was not to be heard in public.

Mary Beard · The Public Voice of Women · LRB 20 March 2014

I’m thinking of a moment immortalised at the start of the Odyssey. We tend now to think of the Odyssey as the story of Odysseus and the adventures and scrapes he had returning home after the Trojan War – while for decades Penelope loyally waited for him, fending off the suitors who were pressing for her hand.[1]​1 But the Odyssey is just as much the story of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope; the story of his growing up; how over the course of the poem he matures from boy to man. Arpocrate e l'arte del silenzio - IO PRIMA DI ME. La parola con le labbra mute.

Arpocrate e l'arte del silenzio - IO PRIMA DI ME

Arpocrate, il dio bambino del silenzio, inaugura una simbologia irresistibile per l’arte che ingiunge di tacere ai monaci e ai burocrati. Il silenzio percorre diversamente la reggia e il chiostro, rimarginando le labbra della parola incontinente. Ancestralmente, il tacere è avvertito come gesto virile, adeguato cioè al cacciatore e al pescatore che l’uomo primitivo doveva essere. Alla donna spettava invece il pane sociale della parola, spezzato nel villaggio per comporre rapporti e badare alla prole. ELEPHANT & CASTLE. Può sembrare di primo acchito paradossale, se non inadeguato, affrontare il tema del silenzio nelle arti visive, dal momento che per sua natura è un fenomeno immateriale, fluido e soprattutto appartenente alla sfera dell’ineffabile.


È facile dunque comprendere perché le sue abituali interpretazioni estetiche lo inquadrino in termini contrastivi rispetto a determinate realtà – quelle del suono, della parola, del colore, della figura, … –, associandolo comunemente alle categorie dell’assenza e del vuoto. E vedrai gli dei con gli occhi fissi su di te, precipitarsi verso di te.

Tu allora posa subito il dito destro sulla bocca e dì: «Silenzio! Silenzio! “Mere” speech has powerful consequences. POLITICIANS like to promise action, not words.

“Mere” speech has powerful consequences

But this is odd: when was the last time a political leader did anything important with a physical action? Monarchs no longer lead armies into battle on horseback. Modern politicians stay safely at home. They give speeches, which they hope will make people vote for them. Once elected, their job is to give yet more speeches, have private meetings, engage in debates and maybe write the occasional opinion article. In other words, a lot of words. « Le silence est une forme de résistance » Entretien avec l’anthropologue David Le Breton Face au silence, certains éprouvent un sentiment de bonheur tranquille.

« Le silence est une forme de résistance »

D'autres s'en effraient et cherchent dans le bruit ou la parole une manière de se défendre de la peur. Anachronique dans notre monde contemporain privilégiant la parole et la vitesse, le silence est un acte de résistance célébrant la disponibilité, l’écoute et le recentrage. Professeur de sociologie à l’Université de Strasbourg, et auteur d’une vingtaine de livres portant sur l’anthropologie du corps et des conduites à risque, David Le Breton a publié, en 1997, Du Silence, un livre qui interroge les usages sociaux et culturels liés au silence.

Entretien. Comment en êtes vous venu à écrire sur le thème du silence ? Je suis un grand silencieux. Votre livre a été écrit il y a une quinzaine d’année. Nixon's Silent Majority Speech. This is President Richard Nixon’s Address to the Nation on the War in Vietnam.

Nixon's Silent Majority Speech

The speech is now known as “The Silent Majority” speech. President Nixon’s Address to the Nation on the War in Vietnam.Good evening, my fellow Americans:Tonight I want to talk to you on a subject of deep concern to all Americans and to many people in all parts of the world–the war in Vietnam.I believe that one of the reasons for the deep division about Vietnam is that many Americans have lost confidence in what their Government has told them about our policy. The American people cannot and should not be asked to support a policy which involves the overriding issues of war and peace unless they know the truth about that policy.Tonight, therefore, I would like to answer some of the questions that I know are on the minds of many of you listening to me.How and why did America get involved in Vietnam in the first place? The sphinx is silent - ID: 1108397.