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jQuery Tutorial #6 - Building a jQuery Image Slider. Font Awesome Examples. SmartVideo For YouTube. FullPage.js One Page Scroll Site Plugin. Bounce.js. Stitches - An HTML5 sprite sheet generator. Drag & drop image files onto the space below, or use the “Open” link to load images using the file browser.

Stitches - An HTML5 sprite sheet generator

Then, click “Generate” to create a sprite sheet and stylesheet. This demo uses a couple of HTML5 APIs, and it is only compatible with modern browsers. Drag & drop image files onto the space below, or use the “Open” link to load images using the file browser. Then, click “Generate” to create a sprite sheet and stylesheet. This demo uses a couple of HTML5 APIs, and it is only currently compatible with WebKit and Firefox browsers. Stitches is developed by Matthew Cobbs in concert with the lovely open-source community at Github.

Copyright © 2013 Matthew Cobbs Licensed under the MIT license. Implementation After dependencies, Stitches requires a stylesheet, a script, and an HTML element to get the job done: The sprite sheet generator is automatically created in elements that have the stitches class: Documentation Documentation is available here. Dependencies Contributing License Download. DevDocs. SubtlePatterns Bookmarklet - Preview backgrounds on your website. Like this project?

SubtlePatterns Bookmarklet - Preview backgrounds on your website

The developer behind it is looking for small, medium and long-term contracts (that's me). My name is Brad, and I'm a full-stack developer who works in Python/Django/Angular.js/Objective-C. Hint.css - A tooltip library in CSS. Browser Sandbox - Run any browser instantly from the web. The Browser Sandbox makes cross-browser testing and backwards compatibility easy.

Browser Sandbox - Run any browser instantly from the web

Just click Run for any browser to launch it instantly. Browsers run within an isolated virtual environment, eliminating the need for installs and allowing legacy browsers such as Internet Explorer 6 to run on Windows 7 and 8. Virtualized browsers behave exactly like installed browsers. And because they run locally, you can test web applications hosted on your own development machine or on internal servers. Simply launch the browser from or the Spoon Console and enter your test URL in the navigation bar. supports standard browser components like Java applets and ActiveX controls as well as popular browser plugins like Firebug, IE Developer Toolbar, and CSS and JavaScript debugging consoles. Using the Browser Sandbox at Work? A web application to quickly build bulletproof HTML emails. Zoom sur l'effet parallaxe.

Après avoir abordé les arrière-plans extensibles (full background) nous allons continuer avec l'effet parallaxe.

Zoom sur l'effet parallaxe

Cet effet graphique étant facile à comprendre et à mettre en place, vous allez pouvoir créer rapidement un site original. Web Developer Checklist. JsPerf: JavaScript performance playground. jQuery Scroll Path. Ttf2eot on the web! Use this tool to convert a TrueType (TTF) font file into an OpenType (EOT) font file, for use with Internet Explorer for embedded fonts.

ttf2eot on the web!

After using this tool, you will be able to embed fonts on your web pages that can be seen on Internet Explorer 4 and higher, and all current modern web browsers that support embedded fonts via CSS3 (Firefox 3.5 and higher are among such browsers). See the Restrictions that are in place for this web application. There are some known issues with the ttf2eot binary this application uses and certain TTF files won't work on IE when converted to EOT.

If your font doesn't work on IE after conversion, try this other font converter instead. To keep this program from consuming too many resources on the server, the following restrictions are in place: This program will only accept a TTF file that is less than 2 MB (or 1024*1024*2 bytes). If this program isn't working for you, feel free to contact me. Upload a valid TrueType Font file and click the button. Un joli caroussel pour vos sites web. Un joli caroussel pour vos sites web Si vous cherchez un joli petit carrousel pour mettre en avant des articles ou d'autres trucs sur votre site web, je vous invite à tester d'urgence iView.

Un joli caroussel pour vos sites web

Ce plugin JQuery dispose de 35 effets de transition différents pour enchainer vos photos et se trouve être compatible avec tous les navigateurs même mobiles (connus et récents, j'entends...). En plus, je ne sais pas pour vous, mais je le trouve beau. En plus d'être gratuit, iView est aussi optimisé pour le référencement, compatible HTML5, dispose d'une API et sait gérer les sites multilingues.