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Government Surplus Auctions - How to fold a Three Stairs Pocket Square. How to take a broke-ass road trip. There’s a saying that goes, ‘The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco’. It’s credited to Mark Twain, but that’s a lie; nobody really knows who said it. I wish I had. You know what else I wish I had?

A friggin’ car! 1. (I know I just complained about not having a car, but I’m actually tied to my desk right now, so just look at my car reference before as a metaphor for ‘the freedom to not be at my damn desk’.) 2. If you don’t have wheels but aren’t too keen on riding with random strangers, you can always rent a car. 3. Still on the car-less theme, if you use Zipcar or one of the countless smaller local versions of car sharing, you can take a vehicle for multiple days at a time. 4.

Don’t wanna spend too much loot on food while traveling? 5. You read Lonely Planet, so you know the drill, but just in case you don’t, I’ll break it down for you. 6. If you wanna save money on a road trip, don’t go to Disneyland, or any other theme park for that matter. 7. 8. Doctors' Slang, Medical Slang and Medical Acronyms, Veterinary Slang, Veterinary Acronyms. Primp Your Ride: The Last Word On How To Wash And Polish Your Car. Summer is upon us.

The kids are off. If you have time on a sunny Saturday, one way to put a smile on everyone's face, and feel sunny yourself is to put a decent shine on the family car. There is a right way and wrong way to wash a car. This promises to be the last article you ever need to read about how to properly wash and polish up your favorite set of wheels. At AOL Autos, we have spent time considering the not only the finish of our own car, but the legion of swirl marks that mar it. Informal surveys at stop lights revealed that nearly every car appears to have fallen victim to the same thing: a car washing technique that removes most of the surface dirt but that, at the same time, ruins the silky sheen of new-car paint. This year we decided we were going to figure out how to get those marks out, and how to wash our car so that we wouldn't put any more marks in it. Meguiar's has been around since 1901 and started out making products to care for furniture.

Our Bucket List Mitt ... Three Exotic Necktie Knots to Try: The Eldredge Knot, The Trinity Knot, and The Cape Knot. Forget the Double Windsor! Stylish gentlemen who fancy the kind of necktie knots that turn heads prefer these three exotic knots: The Eldredge Knot, The Trinity Knot, and the Cape Knot. Alex Krasny of Agree or Die explains how you can impress the ladies with these extraordinary necktie knots: The Eldredge Knot How to Tie the Eldredge Knot The Trinity Knot How to Tie the Trinity Knot The Cape Knot How to Tie The Cape Knot See also: Tie Toiletries Bag over at the NeatoShop.