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Kinbaku Luxuria – We lust for Kinbaku | Semenawa 1. Shibari/kimbaku. Liked videos. Upload Subscription preferences Loading... Working... MiShibari ► Play all Liked videos by MiShibari41 videos2,687 views4 hours Play all Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to. E-Z Rope Flogger. Twistedmonkstudios's channel. MiShibari. Category:Tie - BeKnotty. From BeKnotty Welcome to's Wiki There are a lot of great sources for information on rope bondage; websites, on line tutorials, videos , books and so on. However they are scattered everywhere and finding them is often an overwhelming task.

This is where comes into play. The goal of is to be a resource to help you find and share that information. A place where you can look up Shinju, find a list of links to sites that have tutorials, read what other users have to say about that particular tie, and join in the discussion if you want. Many others have tried to maintain lists of sites, but this is not a job for only one person. Right now holds very little direct content, but as it grows, tutorials and other useful rope bondage information will become directly hosted. - RiggerJay Add a new Tie , Knot or Essay to Site To add a new Tie or knot to first just sign up, Form:Tie. Innovative Fiber Arts. Crash Restraint. When attaching support lines to a harness for suspension, I use a novel method that people frequently ask me about, and I've been meaning to document for a long time.

Serendipitously, I ran into Kali from Kink Academy a few months ago at Wicked Grounds, and she asked me to film some instructional videos for them on suspension -- so I managed to slip this in there, and they've graciously agreed to allow me to use screenshots from those videos to illustrate a blog post here. This method was inspired by the Tatu hitch , during a Fetlife discussion whose details are now murky in my memory -- in any case credit is due both Tatu and Jack Elfrink for making me aware of that knot, upon which this is based. Things needing names, and this technique using the first half of a Tatu hitch, I suppose we could call it the half-Tatu hitch. Thanks also to Mecha-Kate for modeling for these. The full video version, in two parts, is here and here on Kink Academy. Single Point Attachment, with Carabiner. Watch Monkey Fetish Studios Episodes.