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9c6744fffce5f6095b1885d93ad6ba60.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x412 pixels) Image001.jpg (JPEG Image, 644x590 pixels) Death by Caffeine. We’ve used the very latest research to determine what’s appropriate for your body weight. See more about your daily caffeine limits. Recommendations for caffeine levels are different for aged 18 and under.

The calculator is intended for use only by adults over 18. See more about caffeine limits for children and teens. Sure are. On the result, click on the item for more detailed caffeine information. Yes. A lethal dose is based on the amount of the caffeine in your system at one time. By using this calculator you agree to our terms of use. 2010-02-27-vadermac.jpg (JPEG Image, 480x496 pixels) Mature people truths.