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The Dark Side of a World in Flux Part 1 (through the lens of Evolutionary Astrology) Our World on the Threshold of Change:An Evolutionary Astrology Overview; Covid 19, Society Lockdown. Perhaps when we look back at this historic time, we will call it the Great Pandemic.

Our World on the Threshold of Change:An Evolutionary Astrology Overview; Covid 19, Society Lockdown

What we are experiencing has never happened before in recorded history, and quite rightly it has set a cat among the proverbial pigeons in many sectors of our world systems. While most of us are cooped up at home, there is plenty of time to consider the many uncertainties and wonder how what is happening now is going to shape our future. The internet is afire with predictions, some optimistic but most fearful.

Some of us want business as usual, and are challenged by what looks like an unnecessary lockdown over a virus that some say isn’t much different from influenza. Others are deeply moved and concerned by the rising death toll in countries around the world. The most prominent astrological symbol in the sky, is the conjunction of Saturn with Pluto on January 12th 2020, marking the culmination of a collective evolutionary cycle that lasted 38 years. Are We All Psychic? – Astrology Readings. The word psychic tends to evoke several stereotypical images within pop-culture.

Are We All Psychic? – Astrology Readings

There’s the image of a “Mystic Meg” type; an overly theatrical woman dressed as a gypsy with a crystal ball, presumed to be a charlatan touting her fortune-telling abilities. Then there’s the mysterious character in thriller type movies, blessed or cursed with ‘special’ abilities to ‘see’ things other people can’t see. Typically no one believes them, and they are lonely isolated figures who aren’t much understood. Sometimes we think about ‘psychic powers’, again a Hollywood theme that presents a character with unique supernatural powers such as reading other people’s minds, telekinesis or an ability to open portals to other worlds.

It’s a shame because the term ‘psychic’ has little to do with these images. We all know that there is more to life than what we perceive with the five prime senses: seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, and tasting. Online Mentoring Sessions in Europe,London UK. Do we create our own reality? How to Improve every Situation in Your Life. Temet Nosce - The Foundation of Self-Realisation Mentoring. The life hub. Astrology: An Insight into Your Past and Future Understanding Astrology - The Basics We’ve all come across astrology somewhere along the line, maybe it was an astrology column in a newspaper or magazine, or maybe we heard someone talking about their star sign at a party.

the life hub

Either way first impressions of astrology tend to be vague and fanciful, something harmless and entertaining but not to be taken seriously. The thing is that those astrology columns in magazines have little to do with astrology, and in some cases the writers of the columns know nothing about it and simply make up something to say each month for each sign Read More: Contact us Address: London, UK Website: the life hub Dec 5, 2019 | Publisher: Thelifehub | Category: Other | | Views: 2 | Likes: 1 800% 400% 200% 150% 125% 100% 75% 50% Full Width Full Height Full Page Show Text Download as... Include... Search Results No terms available Select an annotations set to edit Select annotations for review My Annotations From Embed as ... The Best Tarot Readers -Thelifehub. Evolutionary Astrology, Best Astrologer - TheLifehub.

The Dark-Side of Taurus in Astrology - Why Do We Want So Much Stuff? Evolutionary Astrology, Best Astrologer - TheLifehub. Casting Light on Personal Anxiety Issues through Self-Realisation Mentoring: shamanichealer — LiveJournal. In today’s modern culture anxiety is on the rise; more and more people are finding themselves living with constant anxiety, which means lots of stress.

Casting Light on Personal Anxiety Issues through Self-Realisation Mentoring: shamanichealer — LiveJournal

There are numerous co-factors that may contribute to anxiety in any individual such as: • Diet - Nutritional deficiencies due to food industrialization and bad food habits • Lifestyle - Fast-paced lives, career pressure, financial worries • Junk Light exposure - modern lighting emitting too much blue light interferes with the natural circadian rhythms upsetting sleep cycles, which in turn interferes with natural detoxification of the body and cell recovery during deep sleep and REM sleep, affecting the nervous system • An uncertain future - as the world heads toward environmental breakdown, and many of the systems we rely on falter such as the financial system and political systems, we live in a psychic ambiance of fear • The desire for control • The natural healing process of the psyche. Online Mentoring Sessions in Europe,London UK. Learning to be Your True Self - The Path to Greater Meaning and Self-Realisation. What happens when we find ourselves drifting away from old friends and acquaintances?

Learning to be Your True Self - The Path to Greater Meaning and Self-Realisation

Maybe it's because of changing values, or maybe it's because we get fed up performing for everyone all the time and realize we just want to be true to who we are. The Best Tarot Readers -Thelifehub. Thelifehub. Evolutionary Astrology, Best Astrologer - TheLifehub. Why Shamanic Healing is an option to consider. Most of us grow up going to see the local doctor whenever we get ill.

Why Shamanic Healing is an option to consider

In the early years our mothers took us to the doctor and we got given pills and injections that sometimes made us better and sometimes didn’t. For most of us that’s the way it is; we get sick, we go to the doctor and he or she is supposed to make us better. That is more or less how it was for me and everyone I knew growing up. But there is a big problem with this approach… What happens when the pills and injections don’t work? What happens when we know something is wrong, but the endless tests don’t add up to anything conclusive?

Make your stars and planets work in your favor with the best astrologer. Mentoring sessions UK for quick healing. Know more about evolutionary astrology. Thelifehub. Thelifehub. Astrology: An Insight Into Your Past And Future: shamanichealer — LiveJournal. For those who are unaware, astrology is an ancient tradition according to which the destiny and character of the born individual depend on the position of the start at the time of their birth.

Astrology: An Insight Into Your Past And Future: shamanichealer — LiveJournal

However, there is also a belief that astrology helps in bringing about practical and meaningful changes in the lives of individuals so that they can do better in life. One needs to understand that astrology does not support fatalism and superstition in any manner; rather, it is all in favour of free will.