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Cute things

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Terrifying.jpg (JPEG Image, 302 × 320 pixels) Birds of a feather. 78813062199369768_Vueq2i9R_f.jpg (JPEG Image, 433 × 880 pixels) Trying to do my reading. Comics about a cat who is also a doctor. Baker Cat!

I should draw these someday...

Videos. Nature: New set of cute animals. Another amazing set of cute animals the nature has to offer. 1. Baby hedgehogs 2. Baby pig 3. Baby polar bear attack 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Oh! These Animals Drive Me Crazy I say! Seven of the Darn Cutest Baby Animal Photos on the Web. Photo via The Daily Mail If cuteness stirs up the crowds enough to preserve endangered species or protect rapidly disappearing habitats, so be it. We scoured the Web for the cutest baby animal photos out there: And these seven are guaranteed to make your heart melt into a sticky mess.

Speaking of melting--since global warming and melting glaciers have been the topic of many a TreeHugger post--let's start with some arctic cuteness. 1. Yes, Knut is very cute. Photo via how colourful is our life blog 2. While we are on the topic of arctic species, who wasn't mesmerized in the March of the Penguins by the length of penguin courtship--or by the adorableness of those furry, baby penguins? Photo from 3. Harp seals live in the Arctic, close to Greenland. Discover more adorable baby animals on page 2! Cute Kitten Sleeping. Fluff ball. According to this, I can't read... Cat eyes.