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The Science of Economic Bubbles and Busts. It has all the makings of a classic B movie scene.

The Science of Economic Bubbles and Busts

A gunman puts a pistol to the victim’s forehead, and the screen fades to black before a loud bang is heard. A forensic specialist who traces the bullet’s trajectory would see it traversing the brain’s prefrontal cortex—a central site for processing decisions. The few survivors of usually fatal injuries to this brain region should not be surprised to find their personalities dramatically altered. In one of the most cited case histories in all of neurology, Phineas Gage, a 19th-century railroad worker, had his prefrontal cortex penetrated by an iron rod; he lived to tell the tale but could no longer make sensible decisions. 28 Awesome B2B Social Media Statistics.

Below are a collection of B2B social media statistics collected from various sources covering a wide range of topics.

28 Awesome B2B Social Media Statistics

We hope you enjoy digging into the numbers. If you have any other interesting stats, please add them in the comments and include the source with link. Usage: 86% of B2B firms are using social, compared to 82% of B2C. 20 + mind-blowing social media statistics. Social media remains the hot topic of the digital world and I often get asked about the various statistics involved.

20 + mind-blowing social media statistics

This in itself is fairly difficult, as this particular online sphere is constantly shifting, evolving and growing at an astronomical rate. But I’ve pulled together some interesting (and hopefully useful) data for a couple of the bigger players in the market...