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12 Tricks for Optimizing Your Freelance Career – FreelanceSwitch. Are These 5 Mistakes Holding You Back from Freelance Success? Freelance Tools, Advice, and Resources | Freelance Folder. 6 Simple Ways For Freelancers To Increase Productivity | How-To. Advertisement The best part about being a freelancer is having the freedom to set your own schedule and make your own rules. This, however, can also be the worst part. Without the normal structure of an office environment, many would-be freelancers find themselves wondering at the end of the day where all their time went. Getting the most out of your workday can be tough. 1. Define Your Working Hours Having set working hours creates a feeling of accountability and puts a premium on your time, making you less likely to waste it.

Take Breaks Studies show that people who take short breaks during the work day tend to get more done . 2. Set Goals Without goals, we would quickly find ourselves bumbling through life aimlessly. Create To-Do Lists Use your goal list for the week to create your daily to-do lists. Break Up Large Tasks Into Managable Pieces When creating your to-do lists, don’t write things like, “Work on productivity article” or “Work on logo design.” Track Your Time 3. 4. 5. Go Mobile. 35 Online Tools That Make Your Freelance Career Easier. 101 Essential Freelancing Resources – FreelanceSwitch.